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Castle Hill
Royal Palace
(Széchenyi lánchíd; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; 16)
This twin-towered span is the oldest and arguably the most beautiful bridge over the
Danube. It is named in honour of its initiator, István Széchenyi, but was built by a Scotsman
named Adam Clark. When it opened in 1849, Széchenyi Chain Bridge was unique for two
reasons: it was the first permanent dry link between Buda and Pest, and the aristocracy, pre-
viously exempt from all taxation, had to pay the toll.
(Halászbástya; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; I Szentháromság tér; adult/concession 700/500Ft;
9am-11pm mid-Mar-mid-Oct; 16, 16A, 116)
The bastion is a neo-Gothic masquerade that looks medieval and offers among the best
views in Budapest. Built as a viewing platform in 1905 by Frigyes Schulek, the architect be-
hind Matthias Church, the bastion's name was taken from the medieval guild of fishermen
responsible for defending this stretch of the castle wall. The seven gleaming white turrets
represent the Magyar tribes that entered the Carpathian Basin in the late 9th century.
In front of the bastion is an ornate equestrian monument of St Stephen by sculptor Alajos
(Hadtörténeti Múzeum; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; 1-325 1600; ; I Tóth Árpád sétány 40;
adult/child 1100/550Ft; 10am-6pm Tue-Sun Apr-Sep, to 4pm Tue-Sun Oct-Mar; 16, 16A, 116)
Loaded with weaponry dating from before the Turkish conquest, this museum also does a
good job with uniforms, medals, flags and battle-themed fine art. Exhibits focus particularly
on the 1848-49 War of Independence and the Hungarian Royal Army under the command
of Admiral Miklós Horthy (1918-43). Outside in the back courtyard is a mock-up of the
electrified fence that once separated Hungary from Austria.
Around the corner, along Anjou Bastion (Anjou bástya), with displays detailing the devel-
opment of the cannon, lies the stone turban-topped grave of Abdurrahman, the last Turkish
governor of Budapest, who was killed here in 1686 at the age of 70 while Buda was being
liberated. Generously, the tablet reads, 'He was a heroic foe. May he rest in peace'.
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