Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Clinical case 2: E.M, female of 45 years referred about the appearance of a progressive facial
asymmetry alterations interesting the lower third of the face in particular in the last 3 years.
The tissue deficit was becoming clearer without any symptoms or alterations in the facial
motility . (FIGURE 1) Therefore a Computed Tomography Scan of the face was performed, in
order to evaluate the entity of such deficit. It shows marked deficit of the soft tissue, which
was extending partially to the skeletal structures". During the objective exam conduced even
with a photographic study, the loss of the symmetry was appreciating, in particular to the
third lower of the hemiface. Problems related to the function of the facial nerve, were not
noticed, and the patient did not refer facial hypoesthesia.
Therefore the patient underwent to fill of the facial soft tissues with biomaterial. The
biomaterial was implanted in the left middle and inferior third of the hemiface; moreover it
has been noticed a partial resorption of the biomaterial at the end of treatment. A total of 3
infiltration has been performed for a tot of 8ml of infiltrated biomaterial. (FIGURE 2)
Fig. 2. Lateral view of the patient after treatmet
Clinical Case 3: E.D.E, male of 55 years old, immuno-compromised patient, affected by HIV
from 20 year. He had underwent to the Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy treatment
(HAART) from about ten years. The patient referred the appearence of an atrophy in the
middle third of face, he had developed a lypodistrophy lesion of soft tissues . (FIGURE 3)
Fig. 3. Particular of the lypodistrophy area
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