Biomedical Engineering Reference
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carried out in patients with autoimmune syndrome (Scl and PRS), LPS results people, HIV
affected, and patients with congenital malformation (HMF). We have a diagnostic and
therapeutic procedure uniform for all the patients; the first clinical evaluation concerns
radiographic and laboratory examination, such as head and neck Dimensional Computed
Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, Ultrasonography, Orthopanoramic x-rays, searches for
ANA-ENA-Anti Cardiolipina anticorpal; specialized infective and immunologic consulence
relating to the single patient has been committed. The 7% of the patients has been treated
with a replenishment composed of the combination with porous polyethylene and
polyacrylamide because of the wide loss of both skeleton and soft tissues. Some other
representative clinical cases are presented:
2. Biomaterials
Polyacrylamide - Clinical Case 1: CC, a female of 17 years old, came in our center for
hemifacial hasimmetry. This anomaly wascharacterized by a progressive atrophy of the left
hemiface. The patient did not present diplopy. The objective examination we observed the
presence of slight atrophy of the left middle and inferior third of the face, including
nasolabial region and the omolateral upper lip. A nasal pyramid deviation also appeared
and confirmed by the anterior rhynoscopy, which also showed a left-convex deviation of the
nasal sept. A Dimensional Computed Tomography scan was performed. This exam
confirmed a maxillo- mandibular fault. Then an orthotic evaluation was performed to value
muscular structures. We adopted a surgical approach which primarily provided an
improvement of the respiratory activity. Then, we planned a filling of the atrophic soft
tissues through infiltrations of Polyacrylamide. The infiltrations have been performed after 2
months from the septorhynoplastic surgery. Biomaterial (5ml) in the left nasolabial fold was
filled. After 1 month from the beginning of the treatment, we noticed an evident reduction
of the pre-existing deficit of the soft tissues. The clinical and Ultrasonography checks after
2,6, 12 and 24 months confirmed a correct integration of the used biomaterial.
Fig. 1. Lateral view of the patient before treatment
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