Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Thoughts for an Organizational Leader
We recommend looking at the total organizational culture score and then
looking at the three subsets to identify areas for specific improvement. More
important than achieving a specific score in a given year is benchmarking
your organization's organizational culture score and then tracking it over time.
Small steady improvements in organizational culture are better than sweeping
policy changes that may or may not take hold. As an organizational culture
improves, the capacity for teams to embrace larger initiatives like building a
data product ecosystem (Component 4) become more of a reality.
Having a strong data product ecosystem is aspirational for most organizations.
Making it part of the DFI was intentional as it suggests a pathway to data flu-
ency that organizations will be striving towards as a next step in organizational
evolution. The six Ds of a data product ecosystem and the corresponding
questions are listed below.
Part of Survey
hoW it iS ScoreD
available PointS
Demand and Design
Never = 0
Sometimes = 1
Always = 2
Never = 0
Sometimes = 1
Always = 2
Never = 0
Sometimes = 1
Always = 2
Discuss and Distill
Never = 0
Sometimes = 1
Always = 2
Thoughts for an Organizational Leader
Each of the six Ds highlighted will most likely be used to foster discussion
about creating a healthy data product ecosystem and provide a benchmark
for progress over time. Typically, organizations score lower on this component
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