Database Reference
In-Depth Information
For some kinds of tables, Access provides Quick Start fields that you can use to add com-
mon sets of fields or kinds of fields to a table. The Quick Start options take the work out
of defining these fields and can be very useful when you know exactly what type of field
you need.
In this exercise, you'll create a blank database, enter information in the first record of its
default table, assign field names, add another record, and save and close the table. Then
you'll copy that table to create a second one. Finally, you'll create a new table and experi-
ment with Quick Start fields.
SET UP You don't need any practice files to complete this exercise. Close any open
databases, display the New page of the Backstage view, and then follow the steps.
On the New page, click the Blank desktop database icon.
In the creation window, in the File Name box, enter MyTables . Then click the Browse
button, navigate to the Chapter02 practice file folder, and click OK .
TIP Remember, you can't create a blank database without saving it. If you don't pro-
vide a file name and location, Access saves the file with the name Database followed
by a sequential number in the default location (your Documents folder, unless you
have changed it).
3 Click the Create button to create the blank database in the specified location.
Let's enter data in the first record.
4 With the empty field below Click to Add selected in the new blank Table1 table,
enter Scott , and then press the Tab key to move to the next field.
Notice that the icon in the record selector has changed to a pencil to indicate that
this record has not yet been saved. The value 1 appears in the ID field, the name of
the second column has changed to Field1 , and the Click to Add label has moved to
the third column.
Click the pencil icon in the record selector to save the record before you move on.
TIP Clicking the record selector is necessary only after you enter the first value in a
new table. This action sets the ID field value to 1.
Click the cell below Click to Add , and enter the following information into the next
seven cells. Press Tab after each entry.
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