Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
public static Animation bobJump ;
public static Animation bobFall ;
public static TextureRegion bobHit ;
public static Animation squirrelFly ;
public static TextureRegion platform ;
public static Animation brakingPlatform ;
public static Font font ;
public static Music music ;
public static Sound jumpSound ;
public static Sound highJumpSound ;
public static Sound hitSound ;
public static Sound coinSound ;
public static Sound clickSound ;
The class holds references to all the Texture , TextureRegion , Animation(0.2f, , Music , and Sound
instances we need throughout our game. The only thing we don't load here are the images for
the help screens.
public static void load(GLGame game) {
background = new Texture(game, "background.png");
backgroundRegion = new TextureRegion( background , 0, 0, 320, 480);
items = new Texture(game, "items.png");
mainMenu = new TextureRegion( items , 0, 224, 300, 110);
pauseMenu = new TextureRegion( items , 224, 128, 192, 96);
ready = new TextureRegion( items , 320, 224, 192, 32);
gameOver = new TextureRegion( items , 352, 256, 160, 96);
highScoresRegion = new TextureRegion(Assets. items , 0, 257, 300, 110 / 3);
logo = new TextureRegion( items , 0, 352, 274, 142);
soundOff = new TextureRegion( items , 0, 0, 64, 64);
soundOn = new TextureRegion( items , 64, 0, 64, 64);
arrow = new TextureRegion( items , 0, 64, 64, 64);
pause = new TextureRegion( items , 64, 64, 64, 64);
spring = new TextureRegion( items , 128, 0, 32, 32);
castle = new TextureRegion( items , 128, 64, 64, 64);
coinAnim = new Animation(0.2f,
new TextureRegion( items , 128, 32, 32, 32),
new TextureRegion( items , 160, 32, 32, 32),
new TextureRegion( items , 192, 32, 32, 32),
new TextureRegion( items , 160, 32, 32, 32));
bobJump = new Animation(0.2f,
new TextureRegion( items , 0, 128, 32, 32),
new TextureRegion( items , 32, 128, 32, 32));
bobFall = new Animation(0.2f,
new TextureRegion( items , 64, 128, 32, 32),
new TextureRegion( items , 96, 128, 32, 32));
bobHit = new TextureRegion( items , 128, 128, 32, 32);
squirrelFly = new Animation(0.2f,
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