Game Development Reference
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new TextureRegion( items , 0, 160, 32, 32),
new TextureRegion( items , 32, 160, 32, 32));
platform = new TextureRegion( items , 64, 160, 64, 16);
brakingPlatform = new Animation(0.2f,
new TextureRegion( items , 64, 160, 64, 16),
new TextureRegion( items , 64, 176, 64, 16),
new TextureRegion( items , 64, 192, 64, 16),
new TextureRegion( items , 64, 208, 64, 16));
font = new Font( items , 224, 0, 16, 16, 20);
music = game.getAudio().newMusic("music.mp3");
music .setLooping( true );
music .setVolume(0.5f);
if (Settings. soundEnabled )
music .play();
jumpSound = game.getAudio().newSound("jump.ogg");
highJumpSound = game.getAudio().newSound("highjump.ogg");
hitSound = game.getAudio().newSound("hit.ogg");
coinSound = game.getAudio().newSound("coin.ogg");
clickSound = game.getAudio().newSound("click.ogg");
The load() method, which will be called once at the start of our game, is responsible for
populating all the static members of the class. It loads the background image and creates
a corresponding TextureRegion for it. Next, it loads the texture atlas and creates all the
necessary texture regions and animations. Compare the code to what's shown in Figure 9-15
and the other figures in the previous section. The only noteworthy thing about the code for
loading graphical assets is the creation of the coin Animation instance. As discussed, we reuse
the second frame at the end of the animation frame sequence. All the animations use a frame
time of 0.2 seconds.
We also create an instance of the Font class, which we have not yet discussed. It will implement
the logic to render text with the bitmap font embedded in the atlas. The constructor takes the
Texture , which contains the bitmap font glyphs, the pixel coordinates of the top-left corner of
the area that contains the glyphs, the number of glyphs per row, and the size of each glyph in
We also load all the Music and Sound instances in that method. As you can see, we work with our
old friend the Settings class again. We can reuse it from the Mr. Nom project pretty much as is,
with one slight modification, as you'll see in a minute. Note that we set the Music instance to be
looping and its volume to 0.5, so it is a little quieter than the sound effects. The music will start
playing only if the user hasn't previously disabled the sound, which is stored in the Settings
class, as in Mr. Nom.
public static void reload() {
background .reload();
items .reload();
if (Settings. soundEnabled )
music .play();
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