Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Can a Hen Lay Her Eggs Without a Rooster?
Hens can lay eggs without rooster. It does take a rooster however for the eggs to be fertil-
ized to produce chicks.
Why Do Some Eggs Don't Fertilize?
When roosters mate with hens, sperm is transferred to the oviduct of the hen and then takes
up to a week to travel to the infundibulum where it stays for up to a week. If there are yolks
present at that time, fertilization will take place. If the conditions are not exactly right an
egg will not be fertilized.
How to Make Homemade Incubator
To create a homemade incubator start with a box that measures approximately 2 feet by 2
feet. You want to then cut a hole directly in the middle of the box that will accommodate a
light bulb. After putting the light bulb in the hole, add a cup of water in the box, and place
fertilized eggs in the box under the bulb. Make sure to check the temperature and humidity
and to turn the eggs at least three times daily.
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