Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Before moving on, save the material as a preset (right-click the material group and choose Save Preset).
The preset material may need some adjusting of the scales depending on the target, but other than that, it can
be applied quickly and easily to add detail to a scene.
Adding Detail to Textures
To see the next concept in action, you will look at a different scene with several materials and at the possible
interactions between those materials in the same scene.
Open the file Texture_Layers.lxo from the Chapter 12 section of the enclosed DVD. This is a simple
scene with individual material groups assigned to polygons, UV maps already created, and a basic lighting
setup (see Figure 12-12 ) . From this basis, you will add textures and create a completed scene. Each color
represents a different texture.
Because the individual texture groups are color coded, it is easy to select them in the preview render win-
dow (by clicking). This is a good idea when setting up blank materials because this visual cue will indicate
which polygons have had a texture applied and will therefore make for quick identification for texture edit-
ing. Using a mixture of the material presets that you created and the presets that ship with modo, you can fill
out the scene pretty quickly. You may need to adjust texture placement (in the Texture Locator). In a case
like this, all of the textures can be applied with either Planar or Cubic projection. To change the mapping
methods for a material, follow these steps:
1. Select the image map that is applied (in many cases, there will be instances applied to other chan-
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