Graphics Reference
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Like glass, metal can be created with a few simple settings. Low Diffuse Amount, high Reflective Amount,
and Blurry Reflection will fit for many simple metals with some adjustment to the Reflection Color. This is
another case in which some minor attention to detail can make a great improvement to the completed im-
age. By varying the reflective values (Reflection Amount, Roughness, and Reflection Color), you can add
interest and realism to the look of common metallic elements. Figure 11-22 shows some examples of metal
materials with some variation added in. In each of these examples, applying a single procedural texture to
a combination of channels (Reflection Amount, Diffuse Amount, Specular/Reflection Color, Diffuse Color,
and Roughness) creates the effect.
Figure 11-22: A little variation in texture layers makes for more interesting metallic objects.
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