Graphics Reference
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Figure 10-25: The baked displacement image applied to a flat plane
The blocky pixelation in the surface is caused by the resolution of the baked displacement. Increasing
the resolution of the bake will remove this but also will result in higher polygon counts and slower renders.
Since the tiles will rarely be seen up close, this resolution will usually suffice.
To bake texture images from the background, a slightly different workflow has to be employed. Baking of
texture layers (Diffuse Color, Specular/Reflection Amount, and so forth) is done via the render outputs. Dif-
fuse Coefficient and Specular Coefficient outputs can be used to get the Diffuse Color layers and the Spec-
ular Amount layers from the reference geometry into the baked image textures. With these outputs placed
and enabled (it is usually best to disable other outputs to speed up rendering), you will need to set the render
resolution to an appropriate scale (1024×1024 or 2048×2048). Finally, choose Render Bake From Object
To Render Outputs to bake the images all at once. These images can be saved to files and then placed in the
tile material. When added, the displaced plane will look like Figure 10-26 .
Figure 10-26: The plane with baked displacement and color values applied
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