Graphics Reference
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Using Stock Content
Often, a project calls for detail models that are not directly related to the project but that are used to help fill
out the scene. In cases like this, using preset content saves a huge amount of time. This preset content might
ship with a 3D application, be downloaded from online sources (such as the Share section of the Luxology
website), or be objects that you have already created that can be fit into many scenes. In this case, the stand-
ard modo content gives us enough to create an interesting scene with a minimal amount of work. Using this
content allows you to move through the creative process very quickly so you can spend more time on light-
ing and final render tasks.
When using stock content, there are a couple of things to keep in mind that will make your workflow
easier. Regarding the models, it is easy to let them add up quickly and have your polygon count skyrocket. If
left unchecked, even the basic components of a scene like this one can have polygon counts over 10 million
and will cause memory problems and crashes unless your computer has massive amounts of RAM. To com-
bat this, make sure that any content in subdivision surfaces has the mesh Subdivision Level set to 1. Because
most of these items will be very small onscreen, higher subdivision levels are not needed. Also, if an item
will be duplicated several times, consider creating instances instead of direct copies. Instances have a much
lower memory footprint and will keep your render times manageable.
Textures have a few additional considerations that need to be accounted for when using them. With each
added preset, some texture locators will be placed in your Items list. Once in a while, it is a good idea to
place the stray texture locators in a group. If you do not have a folder for your locators in the Items list, one
can be added either by choosing Group Locator from the Locators section of the Add Item menu or by se-
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