Civil Engineering Reference
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On 02-SEP-2015, the project manager is creating the first update, with Data date =
01-SEP-2015 and the following information:
Activities 1000 NTP and 1010 Mobilization were finished on time.
Activity 1020 Clear & Grub started on time. It finished on 28-AUG-2015.
Activity 1030 Excavation started on 17-AUG-2015. As a result of unexpectedly
hard soil, the contractor had to acquire different equipment. Excavation was fin-
ished on 28-AUG-2015.
Activity 1040 Foundation started on 20-AUG-2015. As of the data date, the per-
cent complete for this activity is 44%. The expected remaining duration is 10 days.
Activity 1110 2nd Floor Suspended Slab was modified by the engineer and will
require 10 days' duration.
Assignment 3
Do the following:
1. Make a copy of the Tampa Office Building-01 project. Call it “Tampa Office
2. In the new copy, update each activity's progress according to the preceding
list. Schedule the project with a new Data date = 01-SEP-2015.
3. Print the following reports:
a. A tabular report listing all activities, ordered by ES and TF. Note that
every finished event has one date (i.e., the actual date) instead of the range
(Early - Late) it had before. Also, float disappears from any finished activity.
b. A bar chart showing all activities, organized by Responsibility, ordered by
ES and TF. Note how a new vertical line now separates the completed items
from future items. This line represents the Data date.
4. Now go back to the project data (the function name differs depending on your
software) and assign a finish date equal to the date you originally obtained in
assignment 1.
5. Reprint the tabular report from step 3a. Note the negative float that appeared
with many activities. Print this report.
6. Print a report similar to the previous one, but apply a filter to include only
activities with negative float.
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