Graphics Programs Reference
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Readdressing the Back and Scapulae
At this phase, we will start to address some areas that were underdeveloped in the initial sculpt. The back,
for instance, needs to be resolved since it was not part of the original illustration.
1. Open the roughsculpt.zpr ZBrush project file from the DVD or download files. From the back view, I
start to resolve the shoulder blades ( Figure 11-21 ). The back has been distorted in the process of posing
and sculpting the figure for viewing from the front. This was acceptable since we were concerned with
quickly creating a 2-D concept image. Now that we need to create a 3-D maquette, we need to resolve
areas like this one.
2. The scapulae will swing up and out as an arm is raised, and back toward the middle of the back as
the arms are brought back ( Figure 11-22 ). With this in mind, I introduce these forms to the back ( Figure
11-23 ) .
Figure 11-21: The back of the figure is not fully resolved in the original sculpture. We will need to correct
the scapulae.
Figure 11-22: Scapulae in motion—skeleton reference
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