Environmental Engineering Reference
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6.3 Time Averaging Boundary Length
Two-phase turbulent
flows behave highly irregular and it is hard to capture a certain
flow pattern. Figure 6 illustrates the simulation results with the same
boundary condition and the numerical model setting over a period of different time
step, the simulation condition detail as shown in Table 2 . The breakup droplet size
might be similar in their size; however, the similarity character is dif
cult to
determine from those three figures even though the operating conditions are the
same. Therefore, a method of
figure superposition is introduced in this paper in
order to visualize time-averaged contour through the results of all time steps.
In this demo (Table 3 ; Figs. 7 , 8 and 9 ), three pictures with black and white
pixels with pixel labels of 0 and 1 are shown in Fig. 7 , where pixel value 0
represents pure black and pixel value 1 represents pure white color, the illustration
of the grayscale map from corresponding pixel label value are shown in Table 3 .
The pixel superimposition is shown in Fig. 7 . After superimposition of Fig. 7 a
Fig. 6 VF of fluid boundary at different time step
Table 3 Grayscale color map
Pixel label value
Gra y scale color map
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