Facial pain (Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture) Part 3


Symptoms and signs

Gradual occurrence of facial pain, a hot feeling in the face, toothache, headache, thirst, constipation, a lot of hunger, a foul smell in the mouth, a red tongue with a yellow and dry coating, and a rapid and forceful pulse.

Principle of treatment

Clear Heat, reduce Fire and regulate the Bright Yang Fu organ.




Cool the Diaphragm Powder

Da Huang Radix et Rhizoma Rhei 10 g

Mang Xiao Natrii Sulfas 10 g

Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae 5 g

Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae 10 g

Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae IOg

Bo He Herba Menthae 5 g

Sang Ye Folium Mori 10 g

Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthcmi 10 g

Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae IOg


•    Da Huang and Mang Xiao promote defecation and clear the Heat in the Bright Yang Fu organs.

•    Zhi Zi, Bo He, Sang Ye, Ju Hua, Lian Qiao and Huang Qin clear the Heat.

•    Gan Cao harmonises the prescription and clears the Heat.

•    Bai Zhi arrests the facial pain.


1.    If there is gum bleeding due to flaring up of Stomach-Fire, add Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Recens IOg and Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae 10 g to clear the Heat and reduce the Fire.

2.    If there is severe constipation due to accumulation of Heat in the Intestine, add Huo Ma Ren Fructus Cannabis 10 g to promote defecation and relieve the constipation.

3.    If there is thirst due to consumption of Body Fluids by Bright Yang Fire, add Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis 10 g to promote secretion of Body Fluids.

4.    If there is stomach ache due to accumulation of Heat in the Stomach, add Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae Alba 10 g and Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis 10 g to relieve the stomach pain.

5.    If there is a foul smell from the mouth, add Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 5 g to harmonise the Stomach and relieve the foul smell.

6.    If there is nausea and vomiting, add Xuan Fu Hua Flos lnulae 10 g to cause the Stomach-Qi to descend and relieve the vomiting.

Patent remedy

Wei Te Ling Stomach Especially Effective Remedy


ST-3 Juliao, ST-6 Jiache, ST-7 Xiaguan, ST-34 Liangqiu, ST-44 Neiting, LI-4 Hegu and LI-Il Quchi. Reducing method is used on these points.


•    This type of facial pain is often due to bad diet, especially overeating of pungent, sweet, fatty food, as well as drinking too much alcohol. However, it can also be caused by invasion of the Stomach by Liver-Fire. Once the Stomach is affected, the Large Intestine will be involved as well, and vice versa. No matter what the cause, points from both the Stomach channel and Large Intestine channel with reducing method should be mainly used, thus all the above points are selected from the Bright Yang channels.

•    ST-3, ST-6 and ST-7 harmonise the local region and relieve pain in the area.

•    ST-34, the Accumulation point from the Stomach channel, relieves pain and harmonises the Stomach.

•    ST-44, the Spring point from the Stomach channel, clears Heat and reduces Excessive-Fire, which is the root treatment of this case.

•    LI-4, the Source point, and LI-11, the Sea point, all from the Large Intestine channel, are able to clear Heat and reduce Fire in the intestine.


1.    If there is gum bleeding due to flaring up of Stomach-Fire, add ST-45, the son point of the Stomach channel, to clear the Heat and reduce the Fire.

2.    If there is constipation due to accumulation of Heat in the intestine, add ST-25, the front Collecting point of the Large Intestine, and ST-37, the Lower Sea point of the Large Intestine, to promote Qi circulation in the Large Intestine and relieve the constipation.

3.    If there is thirst due to consumption of Body Fluids by Bright Yang Fire, add SP-6 to promote secretion of Body Fluids.

4.    If there is stomach pain due to accumulation of Heat in the Stomach, add CV-12, the Front Collecting point of the Stomach, to relieve the stomach pain.


Symptoms and signs

Intermittent occurrence of facial pain, spasm of the facial muscles, mostly on one side of the face, tic in the face, aggravation of the situation by emotions, especially by anger, numbness of the face, a thin, white and greasy tongue coating and a wiry and slippery pulse.

Principle of treatment

Suppress Wind, resolve Phlegm and sedate the pain.




Lead to Symmetry Powder

Bai Fu Zi Rhizoma Typhonii 5 g

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Praeparata 10 g

Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi 10 g

Dan Nan Xing Rhizoma Arisaematis cum Felle bovis 5 g

Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g

Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g


•    Bai Fu Zi and Dan Nan Xing dispel Wind and sedate the facial pain.

•    Ban Xia resolves Phlegm in the collateral.

•    Gui Zhi warms the channels and harmonises the collateral on the face.

•    Chuan Xiong promotes circulation of Blood on the face and sedates the pain.

•    Bai Zhi arrests the facial pain.


1.    If there is spasm on the face, add Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae Alba IOg and Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 5 g to relieve the spasm and smooth the muscles on the face.

2.    If there is severe pain, add Xi Xin Herba Asari 5 g to arrest the pain.

3.    If there is dizziness, add Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae 10 g and Gou Teng Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis 10 g to calm the Liver and subdue the Wind.

4.    If there is an aversion to cold, add Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis 10 g to warm the body and relieve the Cold.

5.    If there is nervousness, add Xia Ku Cao Spica Prunellae 10 g to clear Heat and calm the Liver.

6.    If there is a white, thick and greasy tongue coating, add Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g to resolve Damp and eliminate the Phlegm.


LR-3 Taichong, LR-5 Ligou, LR-6 Zhongdu, LI-4 Hegu, GB-3 Shangguan, GB-20 Fengchi, ST-40 Fenglong and SP-6 Sanyinjiao. Reducing method is used.


•    Since external Wind has entered the body and mixed already with Phlegm, it will be absolutely incorrect to use only points to dispel external Wind. The correct treatment should be to suppress the Wind and resolve the Phlegm, thus the above points are prescribed.

•    LI-4 and LR-3, the four gate points, together with GB-20, check the Wind and sedate the pain.

•    LR-5, the Connecting point, LR-6, the Accumulation points, all from the Liver channel, harmonise the Liver channel and collateral, and resolve Phlegm in the collateral so as to relieve the pain.

•    GB-3 treats pain in the local area.

•    ST-40 and SP-6, the crossing point of three Yin channels of the foot, eliminate the Phlegm in the body as well as in the collateral. Since ST-40 is also the Connecting point from the Stomach channel, it can sedate the pain on the face simultaneously.


1.    If there is a tic at the comer of the mouth due to Wind-Phlegm in the Stomach collateral, add ST-3 and ST-4 to relieve the tic.

2.    If there is a tic at the comer of the eye due to Liver-Wind stirring inside, add Extra Taiyang and GB-14 to relieve the tic.

3.    If there is an aversion to cold on the face due to a blockage of the Yang-Qi in the channel by Phlegm, apply moxibustion on the face, and add ST-36 with moxibustion to promote the Yang-Qi circulation and relieve the blockage.

4.    If there is depression, nervousness, irritability and emotional instability due to stagnation of Liver-Qi, add BL-15, BL-17 and BL-18 to circulate the Liver-Qi and harmonise the emotions.


Symptoms and signs

Persistence of facial pain with a heavy feeling, aggravation of pain with tiredness, a pale complexion, facial oedema, a poor appetite, loose stool, shortness of breath, an aversion to cold, spontaneous sweating, a low voice, a pale tongue with a thin, white and greasy coating and a thready and weak pulse.

Principle of treatment

Tonify Qi, eliminate Damp and circulate the collateral.




Tonifying the Middle and Benefiting Qi Decoction

Huang Qi Radix Astragali seu Hedysari 20 g

Shan Yao Rhizoma Dioscoreae 10 g

Huang Jing Rhizoma Polygonati IOg

Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae 5 g

Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g

Chen Pi Pcricarpium Citri Reticulatae 6 g

Sheng Ma Rhizoma Cimicifugae 3 g

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 3 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g


•    Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Huang Jing and Shan Yao activate the Spleen and tonify the Qi.

•    Dang Gui nourishes Blood so as to support the Qi.

•    Huang Qi tonifies Qi and lifts the Qi to the face.

•    Sheng Ma and Chai Hu, prescribed in small dosage, are used to help Huang Qi lift up the Qi to the face.

•    Chen Pi harmonises the stomach.

•    Gan Cao tonifies the Qi and harmonises the prescription.


1.    If there is a swollen face, add Fu Ling Poria 10 g and Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis 10 g to promote water discharge and eliminate swelling in the face.

2.    If there is a poor appetite, add Shan Zha Fructus Crataegi 15 g and Mai Ya Fructus Hordei Germinatus 15 g to activate the Stomach and Spleen and improve the appetite.

3.    If there is diarrhoea, add Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 10 g to raise the Clear Yang-Qi and stop the diarrhoea.

4.    If there is numbness on the face, add Ban Xia Rhizoma Piuclliae 10 g, Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 5 g and Di Long Lumbricus 10 g to eliminate the Damp-Phlegm and promote circulation in the collateral.

Patent remedy

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan Tonifying the Middle and Benefiting Qi PiU    ‘


ST-6 Jiache, ST-7 Xiaguan, ST-34 Liangqiu, ST-36 Zusanli, ST-42 Chongyang, SP-3 Taibai, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, GV-20 Baihui and CV-6 Qihai. Reinforcing method is used on all these points except ST-34. Even method is used on ST-34. Moxibustion is advisable for use on ST-36, CV-6, SP-3 and GV-20.


•    This type of facial pain is often caused by overstrain and prolonged sickness. Furthermore, it is seen in elderly people who have a gradual depletion of their energy, especially in the Spleen and Stomach. Thus their production of Qi and Blood will be impaired.

•    ST-36, the Sea point, ST-42, the Source point from the Stomach channel, and SP-3, the Source point from the Spleen channel, are able to activate the Spleen and Stomach and reinforce the Qi.

•    ST-40, the Connecting point from the Stomach channel, harmonises the collateral and sedates the pain.

•    SP-6 and CV-6 tonify Blood of the general body. GV-20 lifts up the Qi to the face so as to nourish the channels and collateral on the face.

•    ST-34, the Accumulation point of the Stomach channel, harmonises the collateral and sedates the pain.

•    ST-6 and ST-7 are used to relieve the pain in the local area.


1.    If there is chronic tiredness due to deficiency of general Qi, add CV-4 with moxibustion to tonify the Yuan Qi and relieve the tiredness.

2.    If there is shortness of breath due to deficiency of Lung-Qi, add LU-9, the Source point, and PC-6, the Confluence point of the Yin Linking Vessel and the Connecting point of the Pericardium channel, to tonify the Lung-Qi and relieve the shortness of breath.

3.    If there is a poor appetite and loose stool due to weakness of the Stomach and Spleen, add CV-12, the Front Collecting point of the Stomach, and SP-9, the Sea point of the Spleen channel, to activate the Spleen and Stomach and relieve the loose stool.

4.  If there is numbness on the face due to deficiency of Qi, use Plum-Blossom needling to improve the numbness.


Symptoms and signs

Long duration of facial pain with fixed location, intermittent stabbing pain, aggravation of the pain at night, a purplish colour of the face, a purplish tongue with a thin coating and wiry and unsmooth pulse.

Principle of treatment

Circulate Qi and Blood, smooth the collateral and sedate the pain.




Unblock the Orifices and Invigorate the Blood Decoction

Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g

Chi Shao Radix Paeoniae Rubra 10 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g

Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 10 g

Hong Hua Flos Carthami 10 g

Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g

Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi 10 g

Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride 5 g

Zhi Qiao Fructus Aurantii 10 g


•    Chuan Xiong, Chi Shao, Dan Shen and Hong Hua all eliminate Blood stasis and promote its circulation. Also, Chuan Xiong is very good for inducing the other herbs to reach the head.

•    Dang Gui promotes the circulation of Blood and harmonises it so as not to harm the Blood circulation.

•    Since the circulation of Qi promotes the circulation of Blood, some herbs to promote the circulation of Qi are prescribed here as well, such as Qing Pi,

Zhi Qiao and Xiang Fu.

•    Bai Zhi goes to the face and sedates the facial pain.


I.  If there is severe facial pain or aggravation of pain at night due to stagnation of Blood, add Pu Huang Pollen Typhae IOg and San Leng Rhizoma Spargami 10 g to promote the Blood circulation strongly and overcome the Blood stasis.

2.    If there is a swollen face with purplish colour on the face due to stagnation of Blood, add Wu Ling Zhi Faeces Trogopterorum IOg and Mo Yao Resina Myrrhae 5 g to promote Blood circulation and reduce the swelling.

3.    If there is numbness on the face, add Di Long Lumbricus 10 g to smooth the collateral and relieve numbness.

Patent remedies

Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Pian Ligusticum-Green Tea

Regulating Tablet

Xiao Huo Luo Dan Minor Invigorate the Collaterals

Special Pill


LI-4 Hegu, LR-3 Taichong, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, ST-3 Juliao, ST-6 Jiache, ST-7 Xiaguan, ST-40 Fenglong and SI-18

Quanliao. Reducing method is used on these points.


•    This type of facial pain is often due to incomplete elimination of external factors, inappropriate facial surgery, severe emotional disturbance, trauma, as well as prolonged persistence of above types of facial pain, thus the collaterals on the face are blocked leading to stagnation of Blood. The points selected can promote the circulation of Qi and Blood and eliminate the Blood stasis to sedate the pain.

•    Qi is the guide for Blood; LI-4 and LR-3 regulate the circulation of Qi so as to lead the circulation of Blood.

•    SP-6 promotes the circulation of Blood and relieves the pain.

•    ST-3, ST-6 and ST-7 are applied here to harmonise the collateral of the Stomach on the face to sedate the pain in the local region. These three points are especially used when there is pain around the cheek or mandibular region related to the Stomach channel.

•    SI-18, the meeting point of the hand Lesser Yang channel and hand Taiyang channel, is used to treat facial pain occurring around the mandibular region.

•    ST-40, the Connecting point of the Stomach channel, harmonises the collateral and relieves the pain.


I.   If there is pain around the mouth due to stagnation of Blood in the Stomach channel, add ST-4 and ST-42 to promote the Blood circulation in the Stomach channel and relieve the pain around the mouth.

2.    If there is aggravation of pain at night due to severe stagnation of Blood, add BL-17 to regulate Blood circulation and eliminate the Blood stasis.

3.    If there is pain around the ear due to stagnation of Blood in the Lesser Yang channel, add GB-2 and TE-21 to activate the Qi and Blood circulation in the Lesser Yang channel and arrest the pain.

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