remacemide (Parkinson’s disease)

An antiseizure medication sometimes taken as an open-label drug for the neuroprotective EFFECTS of its GLUTAMATE ANTAGONIST actions. glutamate is an amino acid that functions as a brain neurotransmitter; normally dopamine counterbalances glutamate and keeps its actions in check. When dopamine levels decline in Parkinson’s disease, this inhibitory effect is lost and gluta-mate overstimulates receptive neurons. scientists believe this effect leads to their premature death. clinical research trials so far have produced inconclusive findings about remacemide’s effectiveness in slowing the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

The drug has also been explored for open-label use in huntington’s disease, another neurode-generative disorder, so far with similarly inconclusive results. At this point remacemide remains of questionable value in Parkinson’s disease. amantadine, sometimes taken as monotherapy in early Parkinson’s, is believed to have some glutamate antagonist action; its effectiveness in postponing the need for Levodopa therapy raises hopes that other glutamate antagonists can have similar effects.

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