Camera: Flat, Limited, and Deep Space (Hybrid Animation-Integrating 2D and 3D Assets) Part 4


Limited space is what you experience in theater and in 2D animation. Most equate this type of space with multiplane setups, where the background moves at a different rate from the middle ground, which moves at a different rate than the foreground. The levels can have parallax of movement, but to maintain limited space and not become deep space, there should be no movement toward the camera.

The points to remember when creating a limited space shot can be broken down into the following elements:

•    Artwork placement in relation to the camera

•    Movement of the artwork parallel to the camera

•    Movement of the camera parallel to the artwork

The files for these hands-on projects can be found in the companion data. The files are as follows:

The main under-the-sea levels.

FIGURE 7.24 The main under-the-sea levels.


FIGURE 7.25 Character.


FIGURE 7.26 Character.


FIGURE 7.27 Character.


FIGURE 7.28 Character.


FIGURE 7.29 Character.

We will use the 3D camera in After Effects to set up the artwork into varying depths, then we will move the camera to show parallax between the levels: a basic mutliplane camera move. You can accomplish this move in software that does not have multiplaning capabilities by moving the artwork at different rates. We will also re-create this shot in Flash to show that technique. Once you see the two most common methods for accomplishing this type of shot, you should be able to re-create it in any software.

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