Melatonin,Sleep And Insomnia

Melatonin: Its Significance with Special Reference to Sedation and Anesthesia

Abstract Melatonin has been used to relief preoperative anxiety and stress. Several investigators reported that melatonin produces preoperatively anxiolysis and sedation. Patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy and pretreated with melatonin or midazolam exhibited less anxiety and increased sedation preoperatively compared with the controls. Similarly, patients undergoing gynecological laparoscopic surgery and premedicated with 5 mg of melatonin […]

Sleep Disturbance in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Abstract Introduction: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic disorder which results in marked distress and impairment of social and occupational functioning. Sleep disturbance often accompanies mental disorders, but there have been few studies of sleep disturbance in OCD. These have produced contradictory findings, with some reporting sleep disruption, and others a normal sleep pattern. […]

Effects of Sunbathing on Insomnia, Behavioural Disturbance and Serum Melatonin Level

Abstract It has been suggested that sunbathing may increase the amplitude of the sleep-wake rhythm and nocturnal serum melatonin secretion, and have effects on insomnia as well. A case report of a patients with epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and severe mental and intellectual disabilities (SMID) with severe behavioral disturbance is presented, in which the sleep-wake-cycle (SWC) […]

Neuroimaging Insights into Insomnia Part 1

Abstract Insomnia is a frequent symptom or syndrome defined by complaints of trouble in initiating or maintaining sleep or of nonrestorative sleep. This causes significant impairments in several areas of daytime functioning including mood, motivation, attention and vigilance. Significant advances in our neurobiological knowledge of insomnia have been brought by electrophysiological data (e.g. electroencephalography (EEG) […]

Neuroimaging Insights into Insomnia Part 2

Daytime Functioning Impairments Poor sleep may have detrimental consequences on daytime functioning such as altered mood and motivation, decreased attention and vigilance, low levels of energy and concentration, and increased daytime fatigue (Bonnet and Arand 1997). Several studies have suggested cognitive abnormalities in patients with idiopathic insomnia such as sleep-related attentional bias (Spiegelhalder, Espie et […]

Neuroimaging Insights into the Dreaming Brain

Abstract Dreams are sensory, cognitive, and emotional experiences that occur spontaneously during sleep. Dream reports tend to be more frequent, vivid, and longer during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep than during non-REM sleep. This is why our current neurobiological knowledge about dreaming primarily derives from functional neuroimaging data acquired during REM sleep (e.g. electroencephalography, positron […]