Chinese Medicine

Amenorrhea (Common Gynecological Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Amenorrhea may be primary or secondary. Primary amenorrhea is the failure of menstruation to appear at all in a female aged 14 or over who has not developed secondary sex characteristics, or in a female aged 16 or over who has developed secondary sex characteristics. Secondary amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for either 6 […]

Anovulatory Functional Uterine Bleeding (Common Gynecological Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Functional uterine bleeding is a common gynecological condition. It results from dysfunction of the neuroendocrine system that regulates reproduction. It is called “functional” because there is no organic abnormality in the external or internal genital organs. Functional uterine bleeding may be ovulatory or anovulatory (associated with the absence of ovulation). Most cases are of the […]

Vaginal Discharge (Common Gynecological Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

In a healthy woman a slight amount of discharge from the vagina is normal; and it is normally colorless, odorless, somewhat viscid and very slight in amount. It forms from the moistening of the vagina under the control of the Ren and Dai Meridians, when kidney-Qi is ample and spleen functions are normal. During the […]

Chronic Pelvic Inflammation (Common Gynecological Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Pelvic inflammation refers to inflammation of the internal reproductive organs, adjacent connective tissues and the surrounding peritoneum. Clinically the inflammation may be chronic or acute. Chronic inflammation is a common condition with a high recurrence rate if inadequately treated. It usually develops from acute inflammation that is not treated or not cured. However, some cases […]

Infertility (Common Gynecological Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

Infertility in a woman is the inability to conceive despite attempting to do so for more than a year, provided her partner has normal reproductive function, they have not used any contraception, and she has not been nursing an infant. If the woman has never conceived, it is primary infertility. If she has conceived previously, […]

Threatened and Spontaneous Abortion (Common Gynecological Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

During pregnancy if the woman develops lower abdominal pain, aches in the waist and slow bleeding from the vagina, she is said to have threatened abortion (in Chinese, literally “restless and disturbed fetus”). If she has intermittent slow bleeding or persistent dribbling from the vagina without the other symptoms, she is said to have gestational […]

Menopause (Common Gynecological Disorders) (Chinese Medicine)

In virtually all women ovulation and menstruation stop completely at some time between the ages of 44 and 55. Many have uncomfortable symptoms during this process. Some have hot flashes, sweating, dizziness, tinnitus, heart palpitation, irritability, irascibility and hotness in the five centers. Others have aches in the waist or back, edema and diarrhea. Yet […]

Anorexia (Common Pediatric Illnesses) (Chinese Medicine)

Anorexia is a disorder of the spleen and stomach that is characterized by prolonged loss of appetite, or even refusal to eat. It is most common in children between the ages of one and 6 years. The illness begins insidiously and has a relatively prolonged course. Although it is not seasonal, it tends to be […]

Infantile Cough (Common Pediatric Illnesses) (Chinese Medicine)

Cough is a common symptom of the lung system. It may occur in any season, and is most frequently seen in cold regions, during the cold seasons and when the weather changes drastically. Its prevalence is higher in infants than in older children or adults. In general, cough has a good prognosis. But in infants […]

Enuresis (Common Pediatric Illnesses) (Chinese Medicine)

Enuresis, or habitual bedwetting, is the frequent involuntary discharge of urine during sleep in children over 3 years of age. The children are not aware of the bedwetting until they wake up. Involuntary urination in younger children is normal since their urinary habits have not been formed. Also, in older children who resist going to […]