Creepers (Auto Repair)

If you’re going to spend a lot of time under your vehicle, you may want a creeper, which is basically just a board with casters under it. (See Figure 2-19.) You lie on it and move around easily.
A creeper makes working under your car more comfortable.
Figure 2-19:
A creeper makes working under your car more comfortable.
If you’re good at carpentry, you can make a creeper yourself from some plywood and a couple of old roller-skate wheels. If you’re fed up with buying things, try lying on an old bedboard or a ratty old blanket instead.
If you’re not yet game for a lot of under-the-car work and you just want to change your tires, change your oil, and be done with it, forget about the creeper and just be sure that you have a jack and jack stands that work properly, and that you know how to use them safely (see Chapter 1). Your owner’s manual can tell you how to operate the jack that came with your vehicle, or you can take the jack to an auto supply store and ask someone there to show you how it works.

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