CREW, Michael Anthony (Biography)


May 28, 1942, Sedgley, Staffordshire, England Current Positions

Professor II, Rutgers Business School, Newark and New Brunswick, Rutgers University, 1987-; Director of Center for Research in Regulated Industries, Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University, 1984-.

Past Positions

Visiting Professor of Economics, University of Texas at Arlington, 1984; Professor I (with tenure), Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University, 1987; Associate Professor of Business Administration (with tenure), Rutgers University, 1980; Visiting Professor of Economics, Wesleyan University, Spring 1976; Visiting Faculty Member in Economics, Harvard University, Summer 1975; Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Strathclyde, 1974-1977; Associate Head, Department of Social Studies, Paisley College of Technology, 1972-1974; Lecturer in Economics, University of Southampton, 1971-1972; Lecturer in Economics, London Graduate School of Business Studies, 1970-1971; Lecturer in Economics, University of Kent at Canterbury, 1969-1970; Visiting Lecturer/Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1968-1969; Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer in Management Studies, University of Bradford, 1965-1969; Assistant Lecturer in Business Economics, University of Strathclyde, 1964-1965.


B.Com., University of Birmingham, 1963; Ph.D., University of Bradford, 1972.

Offices and Honors

Recipient with Paul Kleindorfer, on behalf of the Center for Research in Regulated Industries, of the Hermes Award, 1992.

Distinguished Service Award 2002, Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida.

Editorial Duties

Editor and founder, Journal of Regulatory Economics,1988-; Editor, Kluwer Series of books, Topics in

Regulatory Economics and Policy, 1986-; Co-founder,

Applied Economics and Executive Editor, Joint Editor and Editor 1968-1972.

Principal Fields of Interest

Regulatory Economics.

Selected Publications


1. Public Utility Economics (Macmillan Press, St. Martin’s Press, 1979) (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

2. Problems in Public Utility Economics and Regulation (ed.) (Lexington Books, 1979).

3. Issues in Public Utility Pricing and Regulation (ed.) (Lexington Books, 1980).

4. The Economics of Public Utility Regulation (Macmillan Press, M.I.T. Press, 1986) (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

5. Regulating Utilities in an Era of Deregulation (ed.) (Macmillan Press, 1987).

6. The Economics of Postal Service, (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

7. Emerging Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sectors, (ed.) (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

8. Current Directions in Postal Reform (ed.)(with P.R. Kleindorfer).

9. Expanding Competition in Regulated Industries (ed.)

10. Future Directions in Postal Reform (ed.) (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

11. Postal and Delivery Services: Pricing, Productivity, Regulation and Strategy (ed.)(with P.R. Kleindorfer).


1. "Pennine electricity board." (Nelson, 1966); reprinted in Ralph Turvey (ed.), Public Enterprise (Penguin, 1969).

2. "Marshall and Turvey on peak load or joint product pricing." Journal of Political Economy, November-December:1971 (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

3. "Peak load pricing with a diverse technology." Bell Journal of Economics, Spring: 1976 (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

4. "Reliability and public utility pricing." American Economic Review, March:1978 (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

5. "Public utility regulation and managerial discretion." Southern Economic Journal, January: 1979 (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

6. "Peak-load pricing in postal services." Economic Journal, September: 1990 (with P.R. Kleindorfer and M.A. Smith).

7. "Economic depreciation and the regulated firm under competition and technological change." Journal of Regulatory Economics, March: 1992 (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

8. "The theory of Peak-Load Pricing: a survey," Journal of Regulatory Economics, November: 1995 (with C.S. Fernando and P.R. Kleindorfer).

9. "Incentive regulation in the United Kingdom and the United States: some lessons." Journal of Regulatory Economics, May:1996 (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

10. "Efficient entry, monopoly, and the Universal Service Obligation in postal service." Journal of Regulatory Economics, September: 1998 (with P.R. Kleindorfer).

Principal Contributions

Michael Crew’s early work was in the field of industrial organization and public policy, commencing with studies of the British electric utility industry. This provided the basis for his work on the theory and practice of peak load pricing with Paul Kleindorfer. Combining this with his interests in X-efficiency, institutional economics and government, Crew became increasingly interested in the role of regulation especially of natural monopoly. He has applied his work to all the network industries and more recently extensively to the postal sector with Paul Kleindorfer. As founder and Director of the Center for Research in Regulated Industries, Crew has aimed through conferences and studies to foster research and informed debate on regulation. He has written and edited over 25 books and published over 80 essays or articles. For details of his curriculum vitae and the work of the Center see

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