Alkaline earth metals


The six alkaline earth metals—beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium—comprise Group 2 on the periodic table of elements. This puts them beside the alkali metals in Group 1, and as their names suggest, the two families share a number of characteristics, most notably their high reactivity. Also, like the alkali metals, or indeed any other family on the periodic table, not all members of the alkali metal family are created equally in terms of their abundance on Earth or their usefulness to human life. Magnesium and calcium have a number of uses, ranging from building and other structural applications to dietary supplements. In fact, both are significant components in the metabolism of living things—including the human body. Barium and beryllium have numerous specialized applications in areas from jewelry to medicine, while strontium is primarily used in fireworks. Radium, on the other hand, is rarely used outside of laboratories, in large part because its radioactive qualities pose a hazard to human life.


Defining a Family

The expression “families of elements” refers to groups of elements on the periodic table that share certain characteristics. These include (in addition to the alkaline earth metals and the alkali metals) the transition metals, halogens, noble gases, lanthanides, and actinides. (All of these are covered in separate essays within this topic.) In addition, there are several larger categories with regard to shared traits that often cross family lines; thus all elements are classified either as metals, metalloids, and nonmetals. (These are also discussed in separate essays, which include reference to “orphans,” or elements that do not belong to one of the families mentioned above.)
These groupings, both in terms of family and the broader divisions, relate both to external, observable characteristics, as well as to behaviors on the part of electrons in the elements’ atomic structures. For instance, metals, which comprise the vast majority of elements on the periodic table, tend to be shiny, hard, and malleable (that is, they can bend without breaking.) Many of them melt at fairly high temperatures, and virtually all of them vaporize (become gases) at high temperatures. Metals also form ionic bonds, the tightest form of chemical bonding.

Electron configurations of the alkaline earth metals

Where families are concerned, there are certain observable properties that led chemists in the past to group the alkaline earth metals together. These properties will be discussed with regard to the alkaline earth metals, but another point should be stressed in relation to the division of elements into families. With the advances in understanding that followed the discovery of the electron in 1897, along with the development of quantum theory in the early twentieth century, chemists developed a more fundamental definition of family in terms of electron configuration.
As noted, the alkaline earth metal family occupies the second group, or column, in the periodic table. All elements in a particular group, regardless of their apparent differences, have a common pattern in the configuration of their
During World War II, magnesium was heavily used in aircraft components. In this 194 1 photo, workers pour molten magnesium into a cast at the Wright Aeronautical Corporation.
During World War II, magnesium was heavily used in aircraft components. In this 194 1 photo, workers pour molten magnesium into a cast at the Wright Aeronautical Corporation.
valence electrons—the electrons at the “outside” of the atom, involved in chemical bonding. (By contrast, the core electrons, which occupy lower regions of energy within the atom, play no role in the bonding of elements.)
All members of the alkaline earth metal family have a valence electron configuration of s2. This means that two electrons are involved in chemical bonding, and that these electrons move through an orbital, or range of probabilities, roughly corresponding to a sphere. The s orbital pattern corresponds to the first of several sub-levels within a principal energy level.
Whatever the number of the principal energy level which corresponds to the period, or row,on the periodic table the atom has the same number of sublevels. Thus beryllium, on Period 2, has two principal energy levels, and its valence electrons are in sublevel 2s2. At the other end of the group is radium, on Period 7. Though radium is far more complex than beryllium, with seven energy levels instead of two, nonetheless it has the same valence electron configuration, only on a higher energy level: 7s2.

Helium and the alkaline earth metals

If one studies the valence electron configurations of elements on the periodic table, one notices an amazing symmetry and order. All members of a group, though their principal energy levels differ, share characteristics in their valence shell patterns. Furthermore, for the eight groups numbered in the North American version of the periodic table, the group number corresponds to the number of valence electrons.
There is only one exception: helium, with a valence electron configuration of 1 s2, is normally placed in Group 8 with the noble gases. Based on that s2 configuration, it might seem logical to place helium atop beryllium in the alkaline earth metals family; but there are several reasons why this is not done. First of all, helium is obviously not a metal. More importantly, helium behaves in a manner quite different from that of the alkaline earth metals.
Whereas helium, like the rest of the noble gases, is highly resistant to chemical reactions and bonding, alkaline earth metals are known for their high reactivity—that is, a tendency for bonds between atoms or molecules to be made or broken so that materials are transformed. (A similar relationship exists in Group 1, which includes hydrogen and the alkali metals. All have the same valence configuration, but hydrogen is never included as a member of the alkali metals family.)

Characteristics of the Alkaline Earth Metals

Like the alkali metals, the alkaline earth metals have the properties of a base, as opposed to an acid. The alkaline earth metals are shiny, and most are white or silvery in color. Like their “cousins” in the alkali metal family, they glow with characteristic colors when heated. Calcium glows orange, strontium a very bright red, and barium an apple green. Physically they are soft, though not as soft as the alkali metals, many of which can be cut with a knife.
Yet another similarity the alkaline earth metals have with the alkali metals is the fact that four of the them—magnesium, calcium, strontium, and barium—were either identified or isolated in the first decade ofthe nineteenth century by English chemist Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829). Around the same time, Davy also isolated sodium and potassium from the alkali metal family.


The alkaline earth metals are less reactive than the alkali metals, but like the alkali metals they are much more reactive than most elements. Again like their “cousins,” they react with water to produce hydrogen gas and the metal hydroxide, though their reactions are less pronounced than those of the alkali metals. Magnesium metal in its pure form is combustible, and when exposed to air, it burns with an intense white light, combining with the oxygen to produce magnesium oxide. Likewise calcium, strontium, and barium react with oxygen to form oxides.
Due to their high levels of reactivity, the alkaline earth metals rarely appear by themselves in nature; rather, they are typically found with other elements in compound form, often as carbonates or sulfates. This, again, is another similarity with the alkali metals. But whereas the alkali metals tend to form 1+ cations (positively charged atoms), the alkaline earth metals form 2+ cations—that is, cations with a positive charge of 2.

Boiling and melting points

One way that the alkaline earth metals are distinguished from the alkali metals is with regard to melting and boiling points—those temperatures, respectively, at which a solid metal turns into a liquid, and a liquid metal into a vapor. For the alkali metals, the temperatures of the boiling and melting points decrease with an increase in atomic number. The pattern is not so clear, however, for the alkaline earth metals.
The highest melting and boiling points are for beryllium, which indeed has the lowest atomic number. It melts at 2,348.6°F (1,287°C), and boils at 4,789.8°F (2,471°C). These figures are much higher than for lithium, the alkali metal on the same period as beryllium, which melts at 356.9°F (180.5°C) and boils at 2,457°F (1,347°C).
Magnesium, the second alkali earth metal, melts at 1,202°F (650°C), and boils at 1,994°F (1,090°C)—significantly lower figures than for beryllium. However, the melting and boiling points are higher for calcium, third of the alkaline earth metals, with figures of 1,547.6°F (842°C) and 2,703.2°F (1,484°C) respectively. Melting and boiling temperatures steadily decrease as energy levels rise through strontium, barium, and radium, yet these temperatures are never lower than for magnesium.


Of the alkaline earth metals, calcium is the most abundant. It ranks fifth among elements in Earth’s crust, accounting for 3.39% of the elemental mass. It is also fifth most abundant in the human body, with a share
Many alkaline earth metals are used in the production of fireworks.
Many alkaline earth metals are used in the production of fireworks.
of 1.4%. Magnesium, which makes up 1.93% of Earth’s crust, is the eighth most abundant element on Earth. It ranks seventh in the human body, accounting for 0.50% of the body’s mass.
Barium ranks seventeenth among elements in Earth’s crust, though it accounts for only 0.04% of the elemental mass. Neither it nor the other three alkali metals appear in the body in significant quantities: indeed, barium and beryllium are poisonous, and radium is so radioactive that exposure to it can be extremely harmful.
Within Earth’s crust, strontium is present in quantities of 360 parts per million (ppm), which in fact is rather abundant compared to a number of elements. In the ocean, its presence is about 8 ppm. By contrast, the abundance of beryllium in Earth’s crust is measured in parts per billion (ppb), and is estimated at 1,900 ppb. Vastly more rare is radium, which accounts for just 0.6 parts per trillion of Earth’s crust—a fact that made its isolation by French-Polish physicist and chemist Marie Curie (1867-1934) all the more impressive.



In the eighteenth century, French mineralogist Rene Just-Hauy (1743-1822) had observed that both emeralds and the mineral beryl had similar properties. French chemist Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin (1763-1829) in 1798 identified the element they had in common: beryllium (Be), which has an atomic number of 4 and an atomic mass of 9.01 amu. Some three decades passed before German chemist Friedrich Wohler (18001882) and French chemist Antoine Bussy (17941882), working independently, succeeded in isolating the element.
Beryllium is found primarily in emeralds and aquamarines, both precious stones that are forms of the beryllium alluminosilicate compound beryl. Though it is toxic to humans, beryllium nonetheless has an application in the health-care industry: because it lets through more x rays than does glass, beryllium is often used in x-ray tubes.
Metal alloys that contain about 2% beryllium tend to be particularly strong, resistant to wear, and stable at high temperatures. Copper-beryllium alloys, for instance, are applied in hand tools for industries that use flammable solvents, since tools made of these alloys do not cause sparks when struck against one another. Alloys of beryllium and nickel are applied for specialized electrical connections, as well as for high-temperature uses.


English botanist and physician Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712) in 1695 discovered magnesium sul-fate in the springs near the English town of Epsom, Surrey. This compound, called “Epsom salts” ever since, has long been noted for its medicinal value. Epsom salts are used for treating eclampsia, a condition that causes seizures in pregnant women. The compound is also a powerful laxative, and is sometimes used to rid the body of poisons—such as magnesium’s sister element, barium.
For some time, scientists confused the oxide compound magnesia with lime or calcium carbonate, which actually involves another alkaline earth metal. In 1754, Scottish chemist and physicist Joseph Black (1728-1799) wrote “Experiments Upon Magnesia, Alba, Quick-Lime, and Some Other Alkaline Substances,” an important work in which he distinguished between magnesia and lime. Davy in 1808 declared magnesia the oxide of a new element, which he dubbed magnesium, but some 20 years passed before Bussy succeeded in isolating the element.
Magnesium (Mg) has an atomic number of 12, and an atomic mass of 24.31 amu. It is found primarily in minerals such as dolomite and mag-nesite, both of which are carbonates; and in carnallite, a chloride. Magnesium silicates include asbestos, soapstone or talc, and mica. Not all forms of asbestos contain magnesium, but the fact that many do only serves to show the ways that chemical reactions can change the properties an element possesses in isolation.

An important component of health

Whereas magnesium is flammable, asbestos was once used in large quantities as a flame retardant. And whereas asbestos has been largely removed from public buildings throughout the United States due to reports linking asbestos exposure with cancer, magnesium is an important component in the health of living organisms. It plays a critical role in chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants that captures energy from sunlight, and for this reason, it is also used in fertilizers.
In the human body, magnesium ions (charged atoms) aid in the digestive process, and many people take mineral supplements containing magnesium, sometimes in combination with calcium. There is also its use as a laxative, already mentioned. Epsom salts, as befits their base or alkaline quality, are exceedingly bitter—the kind of substance a person only ingests under conditions of the most dire necessity. On the other hand, milk of magnesia is a laxative with a far less unpleasant taste.

Magnesium goes to war

It is a hallmark of magnesium’s chemical versatility that the same element, so important in preserving life, has also been widely used in warfare. Just before World War I, Germany was a leading manufacturer of magnesium, thanks in large part to a method of electrolysis developed by German chemist R. W. Bunsen (1811-1899). When the United States went to war against Germany, American companies began producing magnesium in large quantities.
Bunsen had discovered that powdered magnesium burns with a brilliant white flame, and in the war, magnesium was used in flares, tracer bullets, and incendiary bombs, which ignite and burn upon impact. The bright light produced by burning magnesium has also led to a number of peacetime applications—for instance, in fireworks, and for flashes used in photography.
Magnesium saw service in another world war. By the time Nazi tanks rolled into Poland in 1939, the German military-industrial complex had begun using the metal for building aircraft and other forms of military equipment. America once again put its own war-production machine into operation, dramatically increasing magnesium output to a peak of nearly 184,000 tons (166,924,800 kg) in 1943.

Structural applications

Magnesium’s principal use in World War I was for its incendiary qualities, but in World War II it was primarily used as a structural metal. It is lightweight, but stronger per unit of mass than any other common structural metal. As a metal for building machines and other equipment, magnesium ranks in popularity only behind iron and aluminum (which is about 50% more dense than magnesium).
The automobile industry is one area of manufacturing particularly interested in magnesium’s structural qualities. On both sides of the Atlantic, automakers are using or testing vehicle parts made of alloys of magnesium and other metals, primarily aluminum. Magnesium is easily cast into complex structures, which could mean a reduction in the number of parts needed for building a car—and hence a streamlining of the assembly process.
Among the types of sports equipment employing magnesium alloys are baseball catchers’ masks, skis, racecars, and even horseshoes. Various brands of ladders, portable tools, electronic equipment, binoculars, cameras, furniture, and luggage also use parts made of this lightweight, durable metal.


Davy isolated calcium (Ca) by means of electrolysis in 1808. The element, whose name is derived from the Latin calx, or “lime,” has an atomic number of 20, and an atomic mass of 40.08. The principal sources of calcium are limestone and dolomite, both of which are carbonates, as well as the sulfate gypsum.
In the form of limestone and gypsum, calcium has been used as a building material since ancient times, and continues to find application in that area. Lime is combined with clay to make cement, and cement is combined with sand and water to make mortar. In addition, when mixed with sand, gravel, and water, cement makes concrete. Marble—once used to build palaces and today applied primarily for decorative touches— also contains calcium.
The steel, glass, paper, and metallurgical industries use slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) and quicklime, or calcium oxide. It helps remove impurities from steel, and pollutants from smokestacks, while calcium carbonate in paper provides smoothness and opacity to the finished product. When calcium carbide (CaC2) is added to water, it produces the highly flammable gas acetylene (C2H2), used in welding torches. In various compounds, calcium is used as a bleach; a material in the production of fertilizers; and as a substitute for salt as a melting agent on icy roads.
The food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries use calcium in antacids, toothpaste, chewing gum, and vitamins. To an even greater extent than magnesium, calcium is important to living things, and is present in leaves, bone, teeth, shells, and coral. In the human body, it helps in the clotting of blood, the contraction of muscles, and the regulation of the heartbeat. Found in green vegetables and dairy products, calcium (along with calcium supplements) is recommended for the prevention of osteoporosis. The latter, a condition involving a loss of bone density, affects elderly women in particular, and causes bones to become brittle and break easily.


Irish chemist and physician Adair Crawford (1748-1795) and Scottish chemist and surgeon William Cumberland Cruikshank (1790-1800) in 1790 discovered what Crawford called “a new species of earth” near Strontian in Scotland. A year later, English chemist Thomas Charles Hope (1766-1844) began studying the ore found by Crawford and Cruikshank, which they had dubbed strontia.
In reports produced during 1792 and 1793, Hope explained that strontia could be distinguished from lime or calcium hydroxide on the
In this 196D photo, a mother tests her son's milk for signs of radioactivity, the result of nuclear weapons testing during the 19 50s that involved the radioactive isotope strontium-9 0. The isotope fell to earth in a fine powder, where it coated the grass, was ingested by cows, and eventually wound up in the milk they produced.
In this 196D photo, a mother tests her son’s milk for signs of radioactivity, the result of nuclear weapons testing during the 19 50s that involved the radioactive isotope strontium-9 0. The isotope fell to earth in a fine powder, where it coated the grass, was ingested by cows, and eventually wound up in the milk they produced.
one hand, and baryta or barium hydroxide on the other, by virtue of its response to flame tests. Whereas calcium produced a red flame and barium a green one, strontia glowed a brilliant red easily distinguished from the darker red of calcium.
Once again, it was Davy who isolated the new element, using electrolysis, in 1808. Subsequently dubbed strontium (Sr), its atomic number is 38, and its atomic mass 87.62. Silvery white, it oxidizes rapidly in air, forming a pale yellow oxide crust on any freshly cut surface.
Though it has properties similar to those of calcium, the comparative rarity of strontium and the expense involved in extracting it offer no economic incentives for using it in place of its much more abundant sister element. Nonetheless, strontium does have a few uses, primarily because of its brilliant crimson flame. Therefore it is applied in the making of fireworks, signal flares, and tracer bullets—that is, rounds that emit a light as they fly through the air.
One of the more controversial “applications” of strontium involved the radioactive isotope strontium-90, a by-product of nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere from the late 1940s onward. The isotope fell to earth in a fine powder, coated the grass, was ingested by cows, and eventually wound up in the milk they produced. Because of its similarities to calcium, the isotope became incorporated into the teeth and gums of children who drank the milk, posing health concerns that helped bring an end to atmospheric testing in the early 1960s.


Aspects of barium’s history are similar to those of other alkaline earth metals. During the eighteenth century, chemists were convinced that barium oxide and calcium oxide constituted the same substance, but in 1774, Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786) demonstrated that barium oxide was a distinct compound. Davy isolated the element, as he did two other alkaline earth metals, by means of electrolysis, in 1808.
Barium (Ba) has an atomic mass of 137.27 and an atomic number of 56. It appears primarily in ores of barite, a sulfate, and witherite, a carbonate. Barium sulfate is used as a white pigment in paints, while barium carbonate is applied in the production of optical glass, ceramics, glazed pottery, and specialty glassware. One of its most important uses is as a drill-bit lubricant—known as a “mud” or slurry—for oil drilling. Like a number of its sister elements, barium (in the form of barium nitrate) is used in fireworks and flares. Motor oil detergents for keeping engines clean use barium oxide and barium hydroxide.


Alkaline earth metals: Group 2 on the periodic table of elements, with valence electron configurations of ns2.The six alkaline earth metals, all of which are highly reactive chemically, are beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium.
Alkali metals: The elements in Group 1 of the periodic table of elements, with the exception of hydrogen. The alkali metals all have one valence electron in the s1 orbital, and are highly reactive.
Cation: The positive ion that results when an atom loses one or more electrons. All of the alkaline earth metals tend to form 2+ cations (pronounced KAT-ieunz).
Electrolysis: The use of an electric current to cause a chemical reaction.
Ion: An atom or group of atoms that has lost or gained one or more electrons, and thus has a net electric charge.
Isotopes: Atoms that have an equal number of protons, and hence are of the same element, but differ in their number of neutrons. This results in a difference of mass. Isotopes may be either stable or unstable—that is, radioactive. Such is the case with the isotopes of radium, a radioactive member of the alkaline earth metals family.
Orbital: A pattern of probabilities regarding the position of an electron for an atom in a particular energy state. The six alkaline earth metals all have valence electrons in an s2 orbital, which describes a more or less spherical shape.
Periods: Rows of the periodic table of elements. These represent successive principal energy levels in the atoms of the elements involved.
Principal energy level: A value indicating the distance that an electron may move away from the nucleus of an atom. This is designated by a whole-number integer, beginning with 1 and moving upward. The higher the principal energy level, the greater the energy in the atom, and the more complex the pattern of orbitals.
Radioactivity: A term describing a phenomenon whereby certain materials are subject to a form of decay brought about by the emission of high-energy particles. “Decay” in this sense does not mean “rot”; instead, radioactive isotopes continue changing into other isotopes until they become stable.
Reactivity: The tendency for bonds between atoms or molecules to be made or broken in such a way that materials are transformed.
Salt: Generally speaking, a compound that brings together a metal and a non-metal. More specifically, salts (along with water) are the product of a reaction between an acid and a base.
Shell: A group of electrons within the same principal energy level.
Sublevel: A region within the principal energy level occupied by electrons in an atom. Whatever the number n of the principal energy level, there are n sublevels. At each principal energy level, the first sublevel to be filled is the one corresponding to the s orbital pattern—where the alkaline earth metals all have their valence electrons.
Valence electrons: Electrons that occupy the highest energy levels in an atom, and which are involved in chemical bonding.
Beryllium is not the only alkaline earth metal used in making x rays, nor is magnesium the only member of the family applied as a laxative. Barium is used in enemas, and barium sul-fate is used to coat the inner lining of the intestines to allow a doctor to examine a patient’s digestive system. (Though barium is poisonous, in the form of barium sulfate it is safe for ingestion because the compound does not dissolve in water or other bodily fluids.) Prior to receiving x rays, a patient may be instructed to drink a chalky barium sulfate liquid, which absorbs a great deal of the radiation emitted by the x-ray machine. This adds contrast to the black-and-white x-ray photo, enabling the doctor to make a more informed diagnosis.


Today radium (Ra; atomic number 88; atomic mass 226 amu) has few uses outside of research; nonetheless, the story of its discovery by Marie Curie and her husband Pierre (1859-1906), a French physicist, is a compelling chapter not only in the history of chemistry, but of human endeavor in general. Inspired by the discovery of uranium’s radioactive properties by French physicist Henri Becquerel (1852-1908), Marie Curie became intrigued with the subject of radioactivity, on which she wrote her doctoral dissertation. Setting out to find other radioactive elements, she and Pierre refined a large quantity of pitchblende, an ore commonly found in uranium mines. Within a year, they had discovered the element polonium, but were convinced that another radioactive ingredient was present— though in much smaller amounts—in pitchblende.
The Curies spent most of their savings to purchase a ton of ore, and began working to extract enough of the hypothesized Element 88 for a usable sample—0.35 oz (1 g). Laboring virtually without ceasing for four years, the Curies—by then weary and in financial difficulties—finally produced the necessary quantity of radium. Their fortunes were about to improve: in 1903 they shared the Nobel Prize in physics with Becquerel, and in 1911, Marie received a second Nobel, this one in chemistry, for her discoveries of polonium and radium. She is the only individual in history to win Nobels in two different scientific categories.
Because the Curies failed to patent their process, however, they received no profits from the many “radium centers” that soon sprung up, touting the newly discovered element as a cure for cancer. In fact, as it turned out, the hazards associated with this highly radioactive substance outweighed any benefits. Thus radium, which at one point was used in luminous paint and on watch dials, was phased out of use. Marie Curie’s death from leukemia in 1934 resulted from her prolonged exposure to radiation from radium and other elements.

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