Geoscience Reference
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Figure 5.4. Evidence of a bore and/or solitary waves on August 10, 2011 in Oklahoma as seen
from satellite (top panel, arrows point to cloud bands) and radar (middle panel, arrows point to
fine lines in clear air fromWSR-88D at Oklahoma City, OK). A mesoscale convective system is
seen in both satellite and radar in the northeasternmost portion of the domain. (Bottom panel)
Idealized schematic representation of a vertical cross section showing a density current (lower
left, solid outline) impinging on a deeper, relatively dense, but not as dense as the cold pool air
mass and triggering a rise in the free surface of ambient stable air (dashed line marks top of air
mass of intermediate density between that in the cold pool and that aloft). The phase speed of
the bore/solitary waves is c and the speed of the density current is c grav . The fluid far ahead of
the density current and bore/solitary waves is resting.
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