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Although they are bundled up against the cold, these smiling young women perched on a
second-floor windowsill on Huntington's Washington Avenue near West Twelfth Street do
not seem especially concerned about their plight. This photograph was taken on January 29,
and by that point, the floodwaters had started to recede. A photograph taken two days earli-
er might have captured the young women in a very different mood. (Courtesy U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers.)
A January 28, 1937, photograph shows the floodwaters lapping around the Fesenmeier
Brewing Company on the southwest corner of Huntington's Madison Avenue and West
Fourteenth Street, in the neighborhood once known as Central City. The old brewery dated
back to 1891 and was once West Virginia's largest. It closed in 1971, and the next year it
was demolished to make way for a shopping center.
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