Geoscience Reference
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Example: calculation of relative motion at a plate boundary
Calculate the present-day relative motion at 28 S, 71 Wonthe Peru-Chile Trench
using the Nazca-South America rotation pole given in Table 2.1. Assume the radius
of the Earth to be 6371 km:
λ x =− 28 , x =− 71
λ p = 56 , p =− 94
ω = 7 . 2 × 10 7
180 × 7 . 2 × 10 7
deg yr 1
rad yr 1
These values are substituted into Eqs. (2.12), (2.14), (2.7) and (2.8)inthat order,
cos 1 [sin(
28) sin(56)
28) cos(56) cos(
= sin 1 cos(56) sin( 94 + 71)
sin(86 . 26)
=− 12 . 65
180 × 7 . 2 × 10 7
× 6371 × 10 5
v =
× sin(86 . 26)
= 7 . 97 cm yr 1
β = 90 12 . 65
= 77 . 35
Thus, the Nazca plate is moving relative to the South American plate at 8 cm yr 1
with azimuth 77 ; the South American plate is moving relative to the Nazca plate at
8cmyr 1 , azimuth 257 (Fig. 2.2).
2.4.3 Combination of rotation vectors
Suppose that there are three rigid plates A, B and C and that the angular velocity
of A relative to B, B A , and that of B relative to C, C B , are known. The motion
of plate A relative to plate C, C A , can be determined by vector addition just as
for the flat Earth:
A = C B + B A
(Remember that in this notation the first subscript refers to the 'fixed' plate.)
Alternatively, since B A =− A B , Eq. (2.19) can be written as
B + B C + C A = 0
The resultant vector C A of Eq. (2.19) must lie in the same plane as the two
original vectors B A and C B . Imagine the great circle on which these two poles
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