Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Aside from understanding the cycle and all its phases, the emergency practi-
tioner must also be cognizant of the motivation and goals of the terrorist or extrem-
ist. Although ideologies differ between various terrorist groups, their motivation
and goals need to be examined at an elementary level. Knowing what the attack
planners set out to accomplish helps in determining their next target location, tar-
get group, and potential method of attack. Before one can begin looking at specific
plot mechanics, it is important to recognize why a terrorist group, or possibly a
single extremist, is motivated to undertake such a planned yet despicable act. By
motivation, we will not discuss the various group ideologies but instead, group-
sought goals in general. It is also critical to understand basic cell structure and
operational parameters of a terrorist group as well as the terrorist attack cycle itself.
Terrorist Motivations and Goals
All terrorist groups have both primary and secondary goals motivating them to
conduct a terrorist attack. Oftentimes these goals are intertwined and parlay into
each other, allowing the consequences of each attack the ability to multiply. It is
important for the emergency manager to understand the reason in which a terrorist
group or individual commits an act of terrorism in order to better prepare for such
an event, distinguish possible targets, and easily recognize an event as it occurs.
Motivations can originate in a number of ways but often fall in a few central cat-
egories. These categories are explained below.
Primary Motivations/Goals
Instill fear in the targeted population as well as those populations unsym-
pathetic to their cause.
Create mass causalities as well as mass confusion in the targeted population.
Secondary Motivation/Goals
Cause financial distress in a nation, region, or population.
Create political unrest for an organization, regime, or government entity.
Create recognition for their cause through action and exploitation of
resulting media.
− Coerce a government to make political and even operational changes in
matters relating or unrelated to the event at hand.
BOX 14.1
Although initially planned as an attack on America, its way of life, and
on targets of great symbolic importance, the September 11, 2001, attacks
attained not only a tactical and psychological impact, but also a financial
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