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The facilitator arranges the room in a horseshoe shape so that all the par-
ticipants can face each other and discuss the issues. Additional copies of the
SITMAN are provided along with pens so that participants can take notes in
their SITMANs.
On the day of the exercise, the facilitator provides a Powerpoint presenta-
tion describing the objectives, the rules that will be followed in the exercise
(when questions will be asked, who will be able to speak, when breaks and
lunch will be taken), the agenda, and the outcomes and goals of the exercise.
The facilitator asks the participants to make notes in the SITMAN and to
document key items and tasks that need to be addressed in the future. The
facilitator then presents the scenario.
Using the questions from the SITMAN, the facilitator walks the participants
through the issues. In this example, the facilitator starts with the question of
who is in charge given the scenario. The facilitator expects the CEO to answer
that he is in charge. he facilitator would then ask the CEO who would be
in charge if he is not in town or unavailable. he CEO might answer that the
Vice President of Operations would be in charge if the CEO is unavailable.
The facilitator would then ask if the CEO and Vice President coordinate their
availability to ensure that one or the other is always available. The facilitator
might then ask the Vice President who he would need to assist him during
this type of scenario.
Going through each of the questions, the facilitator then asks different partici-
pants in the exercise what they would do, what their responsibility would be,
how they will coordinate with other groups, how they will communicate with
other parties, and what resources they might need to carry out their operations.
At the end of the discussion portion of the exercise (whether all the questions
have been addressed), the facilitator calls a close to the question portion of the
exercise and announces that they will now begin the Hotwash portion of the
exercise. The facilitator then asks the participants to consider the notes that
they took during the exercise and to present three key findings, observations,
and tasks that need to be done. The facilitator will then ask each participant
to provide three main issues that they observed.
After Action Report and Implementation Plan
After the exercise is completed, the design team compiles the findings from
the exercise into an AAR. This is presented to the executive management
of the Concoran Corporation who will prioritize the tasks and determines
which tasks need to be completed, who will complete them, and by what
date. This prioritization and assignment become the IP of the exercise. The
IP is then tracked to ensure that the tasks are carried out within the appro-
priate deadline, and whether there are any additional items or issues that
are encountered. (An example of this table can be located in the Sample
SITMAN in Appendix A.)
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