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Strategic Goal 4
By May 2011, the Department of Emergency Management staff (all staff members) shall complete a
review of and update the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan as needed based on lessons
learned and new requirements.
Emergency Management staff, as assigned, shall continue identification of planning gaps and
work with emergency management stakeholders to attain information to address gaps. This
shall be completed no later than the end of February 2011.
By the end of April 2011, Emergency Management staff, as assigned, will complete ini-
tial training agencies on CEMP and specific roles outlined in the 22 Emergency Support
Functions (ESFs).
By the end of March 2011, Emergency Management staff, as assigned, shall perform Tabletop
Exercise (TTX) that tests out the new CEMP and make corrections based on After Action
Review (AAR) and Improvement Plan.
Figure 4.5 Example of SMART goal and strategy. (From Stovall, S., City of Plano,
Texas Department of Emergency Management Strategic Plan 2011-2016. With
completion of the goals and initiatives. Emergency Managers are faced with a litany
of challenges that can include apathy, lack of funding, lack of personnel, exter-
nal deadlines, politics, and having to deal with actual emergencies and disasters.
Identification of these challenges allows the Emergency Manager to determine
ways that these influences can be controlled (when possible). Once the challenges
have been identified, it is important to make sure that the challenges are thoroughly
explained. This is important so that readers can understand that there may be cer-
tain influences that can affect the timely completion of goals and/or initiatives.
Capabilities and Future Needs
In this section, the Emergency Manager has the ability to describe what their
agency's capabilities are in terms of completing the listed initiatives and reach-
ing the strategic goals. Areas that can be covered in this section include budget,
facilities, equipment, personnel, and any other area that influences the capabili-
ties of the Emergency Management agency. The Emergency Manager should point
out any shortfalls that may exist. Although the Emergency Manager may be hesi-
tant to point out any shortfalls, it is important to indicate them, as they may be
obstacles in the completion of initiatives and goals. There is not one Emergency
Management agency in existence that has all of their administrative and opera-
tional needs fulfilled.
Once shortfalls are identified, it is important that the Emergency Managers
describe how they plan to fill any gaps. Solutions to filling gaps can include bud-
get supplements, personnel hiring, acquisition of resources, attainment of grants,
further coordination, and development of plans (just to name a few). Once this
process is complete, the Emergency Manager should ensure that these action items
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