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The standard DFT has limitations in applying
to Fe-bearing oxides and silicates in the fol-
lowing case. One-electron approximation with
the standard DFT approaches fails to describe
the interactions between localized electrons with
strongly correlated behavior, such as 3 d electrons
of Fe in the Fe-O system. Conventional mean-
field type treatments on the exchange-correlation
potential including both LDA and GGA usually
produce (semi)metallic bands or considerable un-
derestimations of the band gap for Fe-O bonding
in oxides and silicates (Fang et al ., 1998; Co-
coccioni & de Gironcoli, 2005; Tsuchiya et al .,
2006a; Metsue & Tsuchiya, 2011) and also fail to
reproduce their phase stability (Fang et al ., 1998).
Since they also do not provide the correct crystal
field effects that break the d-orbital degeneracy,
more sophisticated classes of technique, such as
n I m are the m -th atomic orbital occupations
with spin σ for the atom I experiencing the
Hubbard correction (iron in the present case), and
n I m .LDA
U correctly opens the band
gaps with reasonable orbital occupations in tran-
sition metal oxides (Cococcioni & de Gironcoli,
2005; Tsuchiya et al ., 2006a; Metsue & Tsuchiya,
2011) and successfully reproduces their phase
stability (Fang et al ., 1998). The main problem of
applying LDA
U to materials under pressure is
the determination of the Hubbard U parameter.
Tsuchiya et al . (2006b); Hsu et al . (2010, 2011),
Metsue and Tsuchiya (2011) and Metsue and
Tsuchiya (2012) computed the effective U in
ferropericlase (Mg 1 x Fe x )O and (Mg 1 x Fe x )SiO 3
(post-)perovskite nonempirically based on an
internally consistent linear response approach
(Cococcioni & de Gironcoli, 2005). Presently, the
ab initio LDA
DMFT (dynamical mean-
field theory), etc., are needed to treat the many-
body effect of electrons more accurately and to
investigate geophysically important iron-bearing
systems. Among these schemes, the LDA
U technique is a quite powerful
technique to investigate the physical properties
of iron-bearing systems relevant to the Earth's
deep interior.
Elastic constant tensor for a single crystal can
be calculated with high precision by a method
described briefly below. Combined with the ab
initio planewave pseudopotential method, pio-
neering works by Karki et al . (1997a,b,c. 1998)
applied the technique to determine the elasticity
of major mantle minerals of MgO, SiO 2 ,MgSiO 3
perovskite, and CaSiO 3 perovskite as a function
of pressure. Direct comparison between the ab
initio and seismologically inferred elastic proper-
ties of Earth's interior now spawns a new line of
geophysical research. Determination of the elas-
tic constants by means of the DFT simulation
proceeds as follows: (1) at a given pressure (or
volume) the crystal structure is first fully opti-
mized using the damped molecular dynamics or
similar algorithms; (2) the lattice is slightly de-
formed by applying a small strain. The stress in
the strained configuration is calculated, and the
values of the elastic constants follow from the
linear stress-strain relation
method (Anisimov et al ., 1991) is for now the
most practical method for minerals, where the
correction, described using a parameter U ,isap-
plied to the onsite Coulomb interaction between
Fe d states. In the LDA
U method, it is replaced
by the Hubbard-like screened Coulomb interac-
tion E Hub calculated using the localized basis, and
then the total energy is modified as
E LDA + U [ n ( r )]
E LDA [ n ( r )]
E Hub [
n I m }
E DC [
{ n
], (7.3)
where E DC is the energy doubly counted in E LDA
and E Hub . Within the rotationally invariant for-
mulation (Liechtenstein et al ., 1995; Dudarev
et al ., 1998), the Hubbard correction to the energy
functional is greatly simplified to
E Hub [
n I mm }
E DC [
n I mm
n I mm n I m m
m , σ
I , σ
Tr [ n (1
n )]
σ ij =
c ijkl ε kl
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