Geoscience Reference
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Figure 4-1. Kerosene cookstove by Perfection. Photo courtesy of Lehmans
If you use your stove for an extended period, you will find that white gas (Coleman fuel) is
much cheaper and more compact than the propane canisters used on propane stoves. If you
bring your Coleman-style propane stove to a local propane distributor, most of these places are
able to build a custom hose adaptor for running your camping stove off the larger multi-gallon
refillable propane cylinders, which are far more economical than the small throw-away cylin-
Portable kerosene heaters have provided generations of Americans with a reliable source
for backup space heating (see fig. 4-2 ), and can be a lifesaver when the power is out. Even
though modern kerosene space heaters burn much cleaner than their old-fashioned prede-
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