Geoscience Reference
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your head during a time of crisis. Don't forget to plan for the family pet. In times of crisis, pets
can offer tremendous solace and are great natural-born stress relievers.
Use wisdom, compassion, and restraint. The amazing thing is that when you hold your
head up, straighten your back, and stand tall, giving the impression of self-confidence and that
you have the situation under control, you will actually feel more confident and in control. Body
language, including body posture, and your actual feelings and the state of your mind are all
linked together. When you consciously choose a positive, strong body language that says “I am
confident and in control” you will actually begin to feel that way.
Backup Sources for Heating and Cooking
For most people, the simplest and easiest forms of backup heat for basic cooking will be a pro-
pane- or gasoline-powered portable camping stove. As noted in chapter 3 , for pure convenien-
ce, two- or three-burner Coleman-style stoves are hard to beat; though too bulky and heavy for
backpacking, they are perfect for car camping or backup home use. The backyard propane grill
is an invaluable tool in the event of a disaster, so don't forget to stock up on extra propane cyl-
inders. For occasional use, and if you are planning to use your stove inside your house,
propane-fuel stoves are the most convenient and emit the least fumes, but do consume oxygen
and potentially give off carbon monoxide, which is a toxic odorless invisible gas, so if you do
use a portable stove inside your home you must open a window at least 1 inch and should oper-
ate the stove close to the open window.
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