Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
K p
earth pressure
k /2 h
K o
K a
u a
u p
Fig. 6.14. Trilinear relationship between mobilised earthpressure coefficient and
relative displacement of wall and soil
Fig. 6.15. Dependence of (a)wall force and (b) moment onrelative displacement
(translation) and rotation of wall
limiting Rankine active ( A ) or passive ( P ) value—interaction surfaces can be generated
for the force and moment developed on the wall as a function of the two displacement
components (Figure 6.15).
Our understanding of the response of soil elements under non-monotonic loading
(Section2)showsthatattheelementlevelanysuccessfulmodel willhavetoincorporate
and (b) shows the occurrence of irrecoverable strains well before the bounding yield
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