Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 2.13 Maximum amplitude of first crest (a) and first trough (b) of wave, excited by membrane-
like displacement of seabed, versus displacement duration for various distances from the generation
area. Curves 1-3 correspond to values of parameter a / H = 1 , 3 , 9. The broken line represents
linear theory of long waves ( a / H 1)
a membrane-like displacement the corresponding dependence is not monotonous:
as the duration of the displacement increases, the energy starts to increase and, then,
drops. The maximum corresponds to
τ = 4.
As to the wave periods and lengths, these quantities increase monotonously with
the displacement duration, in accordance with formulae (2.82) and (2.83). Actually,
1, therefore both the period and length of a tsunami wave mostly depend on
the horizontal dimension of the area of seabed deformation.
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