Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
4°50' Fault
(d) Regularity map obtained from GR measured in the U channel
Fig. 7. Comparison of regularity maps obtained from GR measured in (b)K, (c)Th and
(d)U channel and the geological map of the studied zone (a).
The faults affecting the studied area are projected on the H maps.
Now, we try to establish a correspondence between the obtained regularity maps and the
geological map of the area. Since the obtained regularity maps are similar, we choose that
estimated from the measurements recorded in the Th channel. Then, on the considered
geological map and H map, we delimit in dotted lines the geological formations; the same
color corresponds to the same geological facies (Fig. 8). These two maps show that a
considered lithology is not characterized by the same value of the H coefficient. These
obtained preliminary results reveal that the H value can not be used as an attribute to
characterize lithology, while it could be used for the recognition and the establishment of
the network faults.
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