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Fig. 12.10 Conceptual model showing selected a abiotic and b biotic redox processes that
influence the fate of arsenic in the environment. Abiotic processes include (A) oxidation of As III
and reduction of As V (dissolved or surface-bound) by semiquinones and hydroquinones,
respectively (as present, e.g., in humic substances) and (B) formation of reactive Fe II/III mineral
phases (e.g., by microbially produced Fe 2+ ) that can lead to As V reduction or As III oxidation as
illustrated in (C). Biotic processes include (A) microbial oxidation of Fe II leading to Fe III mineral
formation and sorption or coprecipitation of As III or As V to/with these Fe III minerals (oxidation of
Fe II can also occur abiotically), (B) microbial reduction of As-loaded Fe III minerals leading to
release of As III or As V into solution, (C) formation of secondary Fe minerals by reaction of
microbially released Fe 2+ with remaining Fe III minerals leading to sorption/coprecipitation of As,
and finally (D) direct microbial oxidation of As III or reduction of As V for either dissimilation or
detoxification (Borch et al. 2010 ). Reprinted with permission from Borch et al. ( 2010 ). Copyright
2010 American Chemical Society
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