Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Diestien Beds Pliocene sandstone deposits found in Belgium comparable to
Lenham Beds on the English side of the Dover Straight
Diluvium term applied during the early 19th century to extensive superficial
deposits supposed to have been due to a biblical deluge such as Noah's Flood.
These deposits are now known to be mostly glacial drift
Dip inclination of a rock stratum at right angles to the strike
Drift sediment deposited or related to glacial ice activity
East Anglian Crags comprising three deposits: the Coralline Crag, Red Crag and
Norwich Crag. Although formerly all three were put in the Pliocene Epoch only
the Coralline Crag is so placed today (the other two Crags are classed as
Erratic glacially transported rock whose lithology shows that it could not have
been eroded from local rock. Glacial erratics found in East Anglia include rock
types from Scandinavia
Gasteropoda class of mollusc with locomotive organ placed ventrally
Icenian Crag comprises the Norwich Crag, Chillesford Beds and Weybourne
Crag, shallow-water marine and estuarine deposits
Jurassic one of the three Periods comprising the Mesozoic Era (199.6-146 mil-
lion years ago)
Kettle hole depression in the surface of glacial drift, resulting from the melting of
an included ice mass
Kimmeridge Clay deposit of the Kimmeridgian stage of the upper Jurassic
(156-151 million years ago)
Lenham Beds Pliocene sandstone deposits comparable to the Diestien Beds on
the French side of the Dover Strait
Miocene one of the four epochs comprising the Tertiary Period (23-5.3 million
years ago)
Mollusca (molluscs) a very diverse phylum (major division) of invertebrates
which have a common body plan modified in various ways
Moraine rock material carried, or having been carried and deposited, by a glacier
Newbournian formation the Red Crag in the Newbourne region of Suffolk
Norwich Crag third lowest deposit of the East Anglian Crags contains temperate
climate marine fauna
Oolitic rock composed entirely or largely of small sub-spherical sand-sized car-
bonate particles ooliths (ooids)
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