Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Ordovician one of the six Periods comprising the Primary Era (488-444 million
years ago)
Palaeometeorology study of past weather conditions
Pleistocene first of the two epochs of the Quaternary Period (1.8 million years ago
to about 11,500 years ago)
Pliocene one of the four epochs comprising the Tertiary Period (5.3-1.8 million
years ago)
Polyzoa phylum of minute marine animals with a calcareous skeleton, forming
compound colonies
Pro-glacial lake glacial water body immediately in front or around the margin of
an ice sheet
Quartzose rock mainly or entirely composed of quartz
Quaternary Period comprising the Pleistocene and Holocene Epochs (1-2 mil-
lion years ago to present)
Red Crag second lowest deposit of the East Anglian Crags contains cool tem-
perate type marine fauna including the first remains of horses and elephants
Scaldisien Pliocene deposit of Belgium; the equivalent of the Waltonian Crag
Strike horizontal line at right-angles to the slope
Tertiary Period 63-1.5 million years ago
Varve banded layer of silt and sand deposited annually in lakes, especially near to
ice sheets; the coarser paler material is deposited in summer, the finer, darker
material in winter; one varve comprises one light band and one dark band
Waltonian Crag lowest division of the Red Crag found in Essex
Weybourne Crag division of the Icenian Crag
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