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In fact, to obtain their result aboutS EFE realizations, Haeupler et al. [10] essentially
show that k bends per edgesuffice when extending a given drawing with k predrawn
vertices provided that the predrawn graph is connected. Their result is then obtained by
taking astraight-line drawing of G 1 , considering the drawing it induces on the common
graph G and extending it to a drawing of G 2 with at most
bends per edge, where
V is the vertex set of the common graph G . In the setting of partially embedded graphs
their result is asymptotically tight; it is easy to construct an example that shows that
ʩ ( k ) bends per edge are necessary. To achieve ourresult, which only requires O (1)
bends on the exclusive edges, we allow bends on the exclusive edges of both graphs
and make use of the fact that, in the S EFE realization problem, we can choose the draw-
ing of the straight-line drawing of the common graph in such a way that it fits with both
input graphs simultaneously.
Our Contribution. We s tudy the problem of finding realizations of S EFE embeddings
where the common graph is drawn without bends and the exclusive edges have few
bends per edge. We refer to a drawing where the edges are represented by polygonal
curves with at most c 1 bends per common edgeandatmost c 2 bends per exclusive edge
as a ( c 1 ,c 2 ) -drawing .InaS EFE drawing realizing aS EFE embedding,werequire that
the planar embeddingsoftheinput graphs are preserved.
Our main result is that every S EFE embedding of two graphs admits a (0 ,c )-drawing
with c
3 and
this even holds for an arbitrary number of input graphs intersecting in a sunflower-way
(i.e., the pairwise intersections of the input graphs are identical); see Section 3. As a
side result, we obtain the first efficient algorithm for testing SGE for a non-trivial class
of graphs, namely for instances whose common graph is biconnected and an induced
subgraph of the input graphs. Finally, we study lower bounds in Section 5 and show that
some of the results from Section 3 are in fact tight. For the case of sunflower-intersection
we show that there exist k -tuples of input graphs (with a disconnected common graph)
that require ʩ ( 2 k /k ) bends per edge. We note that all proofs are constructive and can
be turned into efficient drawing algorithms.
9; see Section 4. If the common graph is (bi)connected, we have c
A graph G =( V,E ) is planar if and only if it can be drawn in the Euclidean plane
such that its vertices are represented by points and its edges are represented by inter-
nally disjoint open Jordan curves between their endpoints. If G is connected, a planar
drawing can be combinatorially described by its rotation system , i.e., the circular order-
ing of the edges around each vertex and the choice of an outer face. We refer to this
rotation system as the associated (combinatorial) embedding . For disconnected graphs,
the embedding also encodes the relative positions of the connected components.
A plane graph H is a planar graph with an associated planar embedding.Adrawing
of a plane graph is a planar drawing of the graph with its given planar embedding.A
planesubgraph of H is a subgraph G of H associated with the corresponding planar
embedding induced by H . In this case we also say that H is a planesupergraph of G .
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