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Consider a straight-line drawing ʓ of a planar graph G . A face f is star-shaped if it
contains a point p such that the straight-line segment from p to each vertex of f lies in-
side f .Thesetofallsuch points p is the kernel of the face. We say that ʓ is star-shaped
if all its faces are star-shaped . We will frequently use the following lemma, stating that
any planar graph admits a star-shaped drawing.Ofcourse it is always possible to find a
drawing where the vertices are in general position. This implies that the kernel of each
face has positive area.
Lemma 1. Let G =( V,E ) be a plane graph.There exists a star-shaped planarstraight-
linedrawing of G such thatthe kernel of theouter face contains points on or outside of
theconvex hull of the vertices in G .
Proof. To construct such a drawing, we create for each face f of G anewvertex v f that
is connected to vertices incident to f and embed it inside f . Afterwards, we triangulate
the graph in such a way that the vertex v 0 added for the outer face o is incident to the
outer face. Call the resultinggraph G .
We then produce a straight-line drawing of G . Since this drawing is planar and each
vertex v f is connected by straight-line segments to all vertices incident to f ,remov-
ing v f yields a drawing where face f is star-shaped. We remove all vertices v f of all
faces to obtain a star-shaped drawing. Note that the outer face o of G is a triangle, and
hence v o lies on or outside of the convex hull of G .
For an instance G 1 =( V 1 ,E 1 ) and G 2 =( V 2 ,E 2 ) of S EFE , we say that the com-
mon graph G =( V,E ) is induced if the induced subgraph of V in G 1 and G 2 is G .
This is equivalent to the statement that each exclusive edge has at least one endpoint
that is not in V .Assuming that G is induced will often simplify ourarguments. Given a
non-induced instance ( G 1 ,G 2 ) of S EFE together with a S EFE embedding, we can con-
struct its associated induced instance by subdividing each exclusive edge once (with
an exclusive vertex). Note that this operation does not change the common graph G .
By interpreting the subdivision vertices as bends in a drawing of the associated induced
instance, we obtain the following lemma.
Lemma 2. Let ( G 1 ,G 2 ) be an instance of S EFE withafixed S EFE embedding andlet
( G 1 ,G 2 ) be the associated induced instance. If ( G 1 ,G 2 ) admits a (0 ,c ) -drawing,then
( G 1 ,G 2 ) admits a (0 , 2 c +1) -drawing.
Proof. Consider a (0 ,c )-drawing of ( G 1 ,G 2 ). We can interpret it as a S EFE drawing
of ( G 1 ,G 2 ) by interpreting the subdivision vertices as bends. Consider a subdivided
edge e .Byassumption, each half-edge into which e is subdivided has at most c bends.
Together with the additional bend at the subdivision vertex this amounts to a total of
2 c +1bends per edge.
SEFE Drawing with (Bi-)Connected Common Graph
In this section we study realizations of S EFE embeddings where the common graph is
biconnected or connected. The main result of this section is the following theorem.
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