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v 2
W 2
v 2
W 2
W 2
e f
e f
e f
( a )
( b )
( c )
Fig. 2. Aclose-upofthesituation near inner boundary walk W 2 .( a )Afterdrawing G F around
the tree T (heavy dashed line), edges 1 ,..., 5 are incident to v 2 in the correct cyclic order, but
two other edges e and f pass by between v 2 and F .( b ) We add a second approximation F and
route the edges e and f (in dashed red) around W 2 in the buffer zone between F and F .( c )We
route the edges incident to W 2 in the buffer zone between F and F .
route these edges around W i using approximations to W i via Lemma 1, and we can do
so in F
F . This adds at most m W i +2 bends to an edge with endpoint on W i ;thetwo
additional bends are needed to separate edges at v i ,andturn to connect to W i .There
is one difficulty: there are edges of G F that pass by v i , separating it from the segment
of F close to v i (which is our gate to W i ). To remedy this difficulty, we first route all
of these edges around the whole obstacle W i in the F
F part of the buffer, which
adds m W i +2bends to an edge every time it passes v i . Now we are free to route the
G F -edges incident to v i to their endpoints along W i . Since an edge can pass by and/or
terminate at a vertex at most six times, the total number of additional bends in each edge
caused by going around W i is 6( m W i +2) 6( m F +2) 18 m F +12. Since each
G F edge started with 12 n T bends, each G F edge now has at most 12 n T +18 m F +12
bends. Using m F
4 n H
we conclude that each edge has at most 48 n H +54 n H + 12 = 102 n H +12bends.
Let us now analyze the running time of the algorithm. Most of the steps in the
construction can be performed in linear time. Building the triangulation takes time
O ( n H log n H ). The overall running time is thusbounded by the size of the resulting
drawing which contains a linear number of edges each with a linear number of bends,
yielding the quadratic running time.
We conclude the section by proving Lemma 3. Pach and Wenger's[20]algorithm
to draw a planar graph G with vertices at fixed locations has three ingredients: ( i ) they
show how to assume that G is Hamiltonian, ( ii ) they show how to draw the Hamiltonian
cycle of G ,and( iii ), they show how to draw the remaining edges of G . In order to prove
Lemma 3, we will follow their structure closely. We will use their result ( i ) directly:
m H
3 n H ,and n T
m F +3 b
3 m F +3 b
Lemma 4 (Pach, Wenger [20]). Givenaplanar graph G wecan in lineartimecon-
struct a Hamiltonian graph G with
E ( G )
10 byadding andsubdividing
edges of G (each edgeissubdivided byat most two newvertices).
E ( G )
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