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a 2
l s
l t
l s
l t
l s
l t
a 1
a 2
a 1
a 1
a h
a 2
Fig. 4. Illustration for the proof that a 1 a 2 is a ʸ -edge
that there exists a ʸ -edgeincidentto s ,assuch an edgeisalsoa ʸ -path starting at s ,and
the existence of a ʸ -path starting at s implies the existence of a maximal ʸ -path starting
at s . Consider a straight-line segment e ʸ that is the intersection of a directed half-line
incident to s with slope ʸ and of a disk of arbitrarily small radius centered at s .If e ʸ is
internal to
H P , then consider the two edges e 1 and e 2 of G that are encountered when
counter-clockwise and clockwise rotating e ʸ around s , respectively. Then, e 1 or e 2 is
a ʸ -edge, as the angle spanned by a clockwise rotation bringing e 1 to coincide with
e 2 is smaller than 90 , given that G is a Gabriel triangulation, and e ʸ is encountered
during such a rotation. If e ʸ is outside
H P ,whichmight happen if s on the boundary
H P ,thenassume that the slope of e ʸ is in the interval [0 ;45 ] (the case in which
the slope of e ʸ is in the interval [
45 ;0 ] is analogous). Then, the angle spanned by a
clockwise rotation bringing e ʸ to coincide with st is at most 45 .Since st is in interior
or on the boundary of
H P ,anedge e 1 of G is encountered during such a rotation, hence
e 1 is a ʸ -edge. An analogous proof shows that, for every ʸ in the interval [
45 ;45 ],
there exists a maximal ( ʸ + 180 )-path starting at t that is low or high.
Second, we prove that, for some ʸ ∈ [ 45 ;45 ], there exist a maximal low ʸ -path
and a maximal high ʸ -path both starting at s . All the maximal ( 45 )-paths (all the
maximal (45 )-paths) starting at s are low (resp. high), given that every edgeonthese
paths has slope in the interval [
90 ;0 ] (resp. [0 ;90 ]). Thus, let ʸ be the smallest
45 ;45 ] such that a maximal high ʸ -path exists. We prove
that there also exists a maximal low ʸ -path starting at s . Consider an arbitrarily small
> 0.Byassumption, there exists no high ( ʸ
constant in the interval [
)-path. Hence, from the previous
argument there exists a low ( ʸ
.If is sufficiently small, then no edgeof
45 ).Thuseveryedgeof
has slope in the interval [ ʸ
; ʸ
has slope in the
45 ; ʸ +45
interval [ ʸ
is a maximal low ʸ -path starting at s .
Since there exist a maximal high ʸ -path starting at s , a maximal low ʸ -path starting
at s , and a maximal ( ʸ +180 )-path starting at t that is low or high, it follows that there
exist a maximal ʸ -path
), hence
P s starting at s and a maximal ( ʸ + 180 )-path
P t starting at t
that are both high or both low. This proves Claim 2 and hence the lemma.
Lemma 3 and Lemma 4 immediately imply the following.
Corollary 1. Any Gabriel triangulation is increasing-chord.
We are now ready to state the main result of this section.
Theorem 1. Let P be a pointsetwith n points. Onecan construct in O ( n log n ) time
an increasing-chord planar graph G ( P ,S ) such that P
P and
P |∈
O ( n ) .
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