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P 1 ( d )
p b ( d )
p a ( d )
P 2 ( d )
Fig. 5. Subsets P 1 ( d ) and P 2 ( d ) of a point set P determined by a directed straight line d
Proof. Bern, Eppstein, and Gilbert [3] proved that, for any point set P , there exists a
point set P with P
O ( n ) such that P admits a Gabriel triangula-
tion G .Both P and G can be computed in O ( n log n ) time [3]. By Corollary 1, G is
increasing-chord, which concludes the proof.
P and
P |∈
) Steiner points are not always enoughtoaugment a point set P
to a point set that admits a Gabriel triangulation. Namely, consider any point set B with
O (1) points that admits no Gabriel triangulation. Construct a point set P outof
We remark that o (
copies of B placed “far apart” from each other, so that any triangle with two points in
different copies of B is obtuse. Then, a Steiner point has to be added inside the convex
hull of each copy of B to obtain a point set that admits a Gabriel triangulation.
Increasing-Chord Convex Graphs with Few Edges
In this section we prove the following theorem;
Theorem 2. Fo r every convex pointset P with n points, there exists an increasing-
chord geometric graph G ( P,S ) such that
O ( n log n ) .
The main idea behind the proof of Theorem 2 is that any convex point set P can
be decomposed into some one-sided convex point sets P 1 ,...,P k (which by Lemma 1
admit increasing-chord spanninggraphs with linearly many edges) in such a way that
every two points of P are part of some P i and that |
is small. In order to perform
such a decomposition, we introduce the concept of balanced ( d 1 , d 2 ) -partition .
Let P be a convex point set and let d be a directed straight line not orthogonal to
any line through two points of P .SeeFig.5.Let p a ( d ) and p b ( d ) be the minimumand
maximum point of P with respect to d , respectively. Let P 1 ( d ) be composed of those
points in P that are encountered when clockwise walking along the boundary of
P i |
from p a ( d ) to p b ( d ),where p a ( d )
P 1 ( d ).Analogously, let P 2 ( d )
be composed of those points in P that are encountered when clockwise walking along
the boundary of
P 1 ( d ) and p b ( d ) /
P 2 ( d ).
Let d 1 and d 2 be two directed straight lines not orthogonal to any line throughtwo
points of P , where the clockwise rotation that brings d 1 to coincide with d 2 is at most
180 .The( d 1 , d 2 ) -partition of P partitions P into subsets P a = P 1 ( d 1 )
H P from p b ( d ) to p a ( d ),where p b ( d )
P 2 ( d ) and p a ( d ) /
P 1 ( d 2 ),
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