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proof uses topological arguments to establish that the only con-edgefor μ in S \
S has
its end-vertices in different connected components of the graph obtained from S [ μ ] by
removing the only con-edgefor μ in S
Next, we study non-isomorphic spokes. Let e i ʱ be a spoke of the ʱ -donutfor e ʱ .
Assume that L 1 ( e i ʱ ) contains a con-edge e i ʲ for a cluster ʲ ,andthat H 1 ( e i ʱ ) contains a
con-edge e ʳ for a cluster ʳ ,where e i ʱ
S .
e ʳ .ByProperty 1, since e ʳ and e i ʱ
belong to the same connected component of K A and do not cross (as otherwise T EST
2would succeed), it follows that e ʳ does not cross any con-edgefor ʱ , hence it lies in
one of the two faces f ʱ and f i +1
e i ʲ and e i ʲ
of A [ ʱ ] that e i ʱ shares with spokes e i− 1
and e i +1
respectively. Assume w.l.o.g.that e ʳ lies in f i +1
. By Lemma 12, L 1 ( e i + ʱ ) contains a
con-edge e i +1
e i + ʲ .
The next two lemmata discuss the case in which M ( e i + ʱ ) contains a con-edgefor ʳ
that has a conflict with e i +1
for ʲ ,where e i +1
and the case in which it does not. We start with the latter.
Lemma 15 ( S IMPLIFICATION 6 ). Suppose that nocon-edge e i +1
for ʳ exists such that
e i +1
e i +1
, andthat a planarset S of spanning trees for A exists. Then, e i ʱ
S .
Proof sketch. If a planar set S of spanning trees for A exists with e i ʱ /
S ,thenby
Lemma 5 we have e i ʲ
S . Then, the paths P ʱ and P ʳ connecting the
end-vertices of e i ʱ and e ʳ ,together with a closed simple curve
S and e ʳ /
surrounding e i ʱ , e i ʲ ,
and e ʳ form a closed curve
that contains vertices in ʲ on both sides. However,
cannot be crossed by any con-edgefor ʲ in S ,thus S does not connect ʲ .
Lemma 16 ( S IMPLIFICATION 7). Suppose that a con-edge e i +1
for ʳ exists with e i +1
e i +1
.Ifa planarset S of spanning trees for A exists, then either e i ʱ
S or e i +1
S .
Proof sketch. By Lemma 13, at most one outof e i ʱ and e i +1
belongsto S . To prove
that at least one outof e i ʱ and e i +1
belongsto S , by Lemma 5 it suffices to prove that
at most one outof e i ʲ and e i +1
belongsto S . This is accomplished again by Lemma 13
and by proving that e i +1
is a spoke of the ʲ -donutfor e i ʲ .
Observe that Simplification 7 can be applied in the case in which the ʱ -donutfor e ʱ
has at least three spokes. Namely, in that case, by Lemmata 13 and 16 all the spokes
different from e i ʱ and e i + ʱ can be removed from A .
Next, assume that there exists an ʱ -donut with exactly two spokes e ʱ and e ʱ . Con-
sider the smallest j
1 such that one of the following holds:
(1) there exist con-edges e μ
L j ( e ʱ ) and e ʽ
H j− 1 ( e ʱ ) for clusters μ and ʽ ,resp.,
L j ( e ʱ ) for μ such that g μ
such that e μ
e ʽ , and there exists no con-edge g μ
g ʽ
with g ʽ con-edgefor ʽ in H j− 1 ( e ʱ ),forsome a, b
1 , 2
with a
= b ;or
H j ( e ʱ ) and e ʽ
L j ( e ʱ ) for clusters μ and ʽ ,resp.,such
(2) there exist con-edges e μ
that e μ
e ʽ , and there exists no con-edge g μ
H j ( e ʱ ) for μ such that g μ
g ʽ with g ʽ
con-edgefor ʽ in L j ( e ʱ ),forsome a, b
1 , 2
with a
= b . We have the following.
Lemma 17 ( S IMPLIFICATION 8). Assumethat a planarset S of spanning trees for A
exists. Then, e μ
S .
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