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ʱ of A [ ʱ ] is considered in which the two con-edges
that are crossed by con-edges for all of ʲ 1 ,...,ʲ m are e ʱ and e ʱ .
k +1
Eventually, facial cycle
The ʱ -donutfor e ʱ can be computed efficiently. Further, we have the following
lemma, whose proof is similar to the one of Lemma 9.
Lemma 13. Let e ʱ ,...,e ʱ be thespokes of the ʱ -donutfor e ʱ .Then,ifa planarset S
of spanning trees for A exists, it containsexactly oneof e ʱ ,...,e ʱ .
Consider a con-edge e for a cluster ʱ .The conflicting structure M ( e ) of e is a se-
quence of sets H 0 ( e ) ,L 1 ( e ) ,H 1 ( e ) ,L 2 ( e ) ,H 2 ( e ) ,... of con-edges which correspond
to the layers of a BFS traversal starting at e of the connected component of K A con-
taining e .Thatis: H 0 ( e )=
1, L i ( e ) is the set of con-edges that cross
con-edges in H i− 1 ( e ) and that are not in L i− 1 ( e ),and H i ( e ) is the set of con-edges
that cross con-edges in L i ( e ) and that are not in H i− 1 ( e ).
We n ow s tudy the conflicting structures of the spokes e ʱ ,...,e ʱ of the ʱ -donutof
a con-edge e ʱ for ʱ .Notwoedges in a set H i ( e ʱ ) or in a set L i ( e ʱ ) have a conflict,
as otherwise T EST 2would succeed. Also, by Lemma 5, any planar set S of spanning
; then, for i
trees for A contains either all the edges in i H i ( e ʱ ) or all the edges in i L i ( e ʱ ).
Assume that e ʱ has a conflict with at least two con-edges for other clusters. For
any 1
k , we say that e i ʱ and e i + ʱ have isomorphic conflicting structures if
they belong to isomorphic connected components of K A and if the vertices of these
components that are in correspondence under the isomorphism represent con-edges for
the same cluster. Formally, e i ʱ and e i + ʱ have isomorphic conflicting structures if there
exists a bijective mapping ʴ from the edges in M ( e i ʱ ) to the edges in M ( e i + ʱ ) such
that: (1) e is a con-edgeforacluster if and only if ʴ ( e ) is a con-edgefor ,forevery
M ( e i ʱ );(2) e
H j ( e i ʱ ) if and only if ʴ ( e )
H j ( e i + ʱ ),forevery e
M ( e i ʱ );
L j ( e i ʱ ) if and only if ʴ ( e )
L j ( e i + ʱ ),forevery e
M ( e i ʱ );and(4) e
(3) e
f if
and only if ʴ ( e ) ↗ ʴ ( f ),forevery e,f ∈ M ( e i ʱ ). Observe that the isomorphism of two
conflicting structures can be tested efficiently.
We will prove in the following four lemmata that by examining the conflicting struc-
tures for the spokes of the ʱ -donutfor e ʱ , a decision on whether some spoke is or is
not in S can be taken withoutlossofgenerality. We start with the following:
Lemma 14 ( S IMPLIFICATION 5 ). Suppose thatspokes e i ʱ and e i + ʱ haveisomorphic
conflicting structures. Then,there exists a planarset S of spanning trees for A if and
only if there exists a planarset S of spanning trees for A such that e i ʱ /
S .
Proof sketch. Suppose that a planar set S of spanning trees for A exists with e i ʱ
S .
By Lemma 5, j H j ( e i ʱ )
j L j ( e i ʱ )=
. By Lemma 13, e i +1
S and S
S ,
hence j L j ( e i + ʱ )
j H j ( e i + ʱ )=
.Let S be the set of con-edges
obtained from S by removing j H j ( e i ʱ ) and j L j ( e i + ʱ ) andbyadding j L j ( e i ʱ )
S and S
and j H j ( e i + ʱ ). The lemma follows from the claim that S is a planar set of spanning
trees for A . The proof for this claim consists of two parts. In the first one, it is shown
that no two con-edges in S cross, by exploiting the absence of crossingsin S and the
properties of M ( e i ʱ ) and M ( e i + ʱ ). In the second one, it is shown that, for each cluster
μ ,thegraph induced by the con-edges in S [ μ ] is a tree that spans the vertices in μ ;this
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