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x l ( u ) x r ( u )
y t ( u )
y t ( P )
y b ( P )
R ( u )
P ( u, v )
R ( v )
R ( z )
y b ( u )
Fig. 2. Geometric description of a region R ( u ) and of a pipe P ( u, v ), after procedure P IPE E-
QUALIZER has been applied
can be categorized as either horizontal or vertical, we can label its pipe P ( u,v ) as ei-
ther horizontal or vertical accordingly. Also, we can determine the minimum
and maximum y -coordinate ( x -coordinate) that a horizontal (vertical) edge ( u,v ) can
assume while placing both its endvertices inside their regions. In the following we de-
scribe pipe P ( u,v ) by means of these coordinates, which are denoted by y b ( P ) and
y t ( P ) ( x l ( P ) and x r ( P )), respectively. See horizontal pipe P ( u,v ) in Fig.2.
Also note that, if a vertex v of degree 2 is incident to two horizontal (vertical) edges
( u,v ) and ( v,z ), then replacing v and its incident edges with a horizontal (vertical)
edge ( u,z ) yields an equivalent instance. Hence, we assume that, if there exists a vertex
of degree 2, then it is incident to both a horizontal and a vertical edge.
As a preliminary step of the algorithm, we initialize the geometric description of each
pipe P ( u,v ) as follows. If P is vertical ,thenset x r ( P )= min ( x r ( u ) ,x r ( v )) and
x l ( P )= max ( x l ( u ) ,x l ( v )).If P is horizontal ,thenset y t ( P )= min ( y t ( u ) ,y t ( v ))
and y b ( P )= max ( y b ( u ) ,y b ( v )). Here and in the following, whenever a vertex region
R ( w ) (a pipe P ( u,v )) is modified by the algorithm, we assume the pipes incident to w
(the regions R ( u ) and R ( v )) to be modified accordingly.
In order to ensure that horizontal ( vertical ) pipes whose edges belong to the
same horizontal (vertical) path have the same geometric description, we refine the pipes
by applying the following procedure, that we call P IPE E QUALIZER .Aslong as there ex-
ist two vertical pipes P ( u,v ) and P ( v,w ) incident to the same vertex v such that
x l ( P )
= x r ( P ),set x l ( P )= x l ( P )= max ( x l ( P ) ,x l ( P ))
and x r ( P )= x r ( P )= min ( x r ( P ) ,x r ( P )).Analogously, as long as there exist
two horizontal pipes P ( u,v ) and P ( v,w ) incident to the same vertex v such that
y b ( P )
= x l ( P ) or x r ( P )
= y t ( P ),set y b ( P )= y b ( P )= max ( y b ( P ) ,y b ( P ))
and y t ( P )= y t ( P )= min ( y t ( P ) ,y t ( P )). See pipe P ( u,v ) in Fig.2afterthe
application of P IPE E QUALIZER .
We then perform the following procedure, that we call P IPE C HECKER .Itfirstchecks
whether there exists a pipe P such that x r ( P ) <x l ( P ) or y t ( P ) <y b ( P ). Then, it
checks whether there exists a PP-overlap between two pipes P ( u,v ) and P ( w,z ) such
that: ( i ) neither of R ( u ) or R ( v ) has a VP-overlap with P ( w,z );and( ii ) neither of
R ( w ) or R ( z ) has a VP-overlap with P ( u,v ). If one of the two checks succeeds, then
we conclude that instance I is negative, otherwise we proceed with the algorithm.
In the following, every time a pipe is modified, we will apply procedure P IPE E-
QUALIZER to extend this modification to other pipes, and procedure P IPE C HECKER to
test whether such modifications resulted in uncovering anegative instance.
= y b ( P ) or y t ( P )
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