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P ( u, v )
Fig. 3. Vertices exiting pipes. (a) Vertex w exits P ( u,v ) from below. The cutof P ( u, v ) applied
by procedure P IPE B LOCK C HECKER is described by a dashed line. (b) Vertex v exits P ( w,z )
through w .Thecutof R ( w ) and the consequent cutof P ( w,z ) appliedbyprocedure V ERTEX -
C HECKER is described by a dashed line. (c) A situation recognized by procedure P IPE I NTER -
The general strategy of the main part of the algorithm is to progressively reduce the
size of the pipes. In particular, at each step we consider the current instance I i and
modify it to obtain an instance I i +1 with smaller pipes than I i that admits an anchored
drawing if and only if I i admits an anchored drawing.Eventually, such a process will
lead either to an instance I m for which it is easy to construct an anchored drawing or to
conclude that instance I = I 1 is negative.
Let P ( u,v ) be a horizontal pipe, and w be a vertex having aVP-overlap with
P ( u,v ). Refer to Fig.3(a).Wesaythat w exits P from below if there exists a vertex
h such that: ( i ) y b ( P ) <y b ( w ) <y t ( P ) and x r ( u ) <x l ( w ) <x r ( w ) <x l ( v );
( ii ) y t ( h ) <y b ( P ) and x r ( u ) <x l ( h ) <x r ( h ) <x l ( v );and( iii ) there exists a path
ʳ =( w,...,h ) in G connecting w to h in which every internal vertex r is such that
R ( r ) intersects P . Symmetrically, we say that w exits P fromabove if there exists a
vertex h with the same properties as before, except for the fact that y b ( P ) <y t ( w ) <
y t ( P ), y b ( h ) >y t ( P ). Otherwise, we say that w exits P throughavertex , either u
or v .InFig. 3(b), vertex v exits pipe P ( w,z ) through w . Observe that, since G is
connected and no VV-overlap occurs in I , there always exists a path ʳ =( w,...,h ) in
G connecting w to a vertex h such that h does not have any VP-overlap with P ; hence,
w always exits P , either from above or below, or throughavertex.
Forthecaseofa vertical pipe P ( u,v ),weassume analogous definitions of ver-
tices exiting P from left, right or through a vertex , either u or v .Aslong as one of the
following conditions is satisfied, we apply one of the procedures described hereunder.
Procedure V ERTEX C HECKER : Consider a vertex w having aVP-overlap with a
horizontal ( vertical )pipe P ( u,v ) such that y b ( w )
y b ( P ) <y t ( P )
y t ( w )
(resp., x l ( w )
x r ( w )). If w is incident to two vertical ( hori-
zontal ) pipes, then we conclude that instance I is negative. Otherwise, if w is incident
to a vertical ( horizontal )pipe P ( w,w ),thenset y b ( w )= max ( y b ( w ) ,y b ( P ))
(set x l ( w )= max ( x l ( w ) ,x l ( P )). See Fig.3(b).Analogously, if w is incident to a
vertical ( horizontal )pipe P ( w ,w ),thenset y t ( w )= min ( y t ( w ) ,y t ( P ) (set
x r ( w )= min ( x r ( w ) ,x r ( P )).
x l ( P ) <x r ( P )
Procedure P IPE B LOCK C HECKER : Consider a pipe P ( u,v ) having aVP-overlap
with a vertex w such that w does not exit throughavertex.If w exits P ( u,v ) both
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