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Fig. 3.5 Environmental scanning electron microscopy images of the holographic matrix. Under
a 1.6, b 3.0, c 5.7 and d 6 torr. The yellow, red and blue dashed lines represent (i) the surface of
the pHEMA matrix, (ii) the approximate depth of Ag 0 NP penetration into the pHEMA matrix, and
(iii) the pHEMA-PMMA interface. The contrast and the brightness were increased to distinguish
the Ag 0 NPs from the pHEMA matrix. e The change in the thickness of pHEMA + Ag 0 NP matrix
due to an increase in pressure and water absorption
Vertical sections through the hydrogel were cut with a diamond knife (Deyemond,
Germany) using a Leica Ultracut UCT (Leica, Vienna). They were mounted on 400
mesh copper grids and viewed in a FEI Tecnai G2 (Oregon, USA) operated at
120 kV. Images were recorded with an AMT 60B camera running Deben software.
Figure 3.6 illustrates cross-sectional images of the pHEMA + Ag 0 NP system before
laser-induced photochemical patterning (control samples), and Fig. 3.7 shows the
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