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In the framework, huge amount of RFID and ALPR detection results are
original input of this method. There are four steps in HelpMe framework. Firstly,
TLPs Extraction, TLPs would be extracted from the filtered ALPR detection
results. Secondly, CTPT (Character Transition Probability Table) Generation,
CTPT which generated through the data fusion of RFID and ALPR is used for
predicting potential correct characters. Thirdly, SLPs Correction, SLPs would
be corrected by Naıve Bayes theorem. Finally, CLPs Accuracy Promotion, the
accuracy of CLPs would be improved by using RFID detection results through
data fusion. And the optimization on image recognition is not the focus of this
Detailed LP data classification and marking is shown in Fig. 4. Generally,
LPs are classified into three levels during the process of HelpMe. Original LP
data is the first level. TLPs and SLPs which belong to second level are marked
by TLPs Extraction. The results of SLPs Correction which contains CLPs and
EXP (Exceptions) are regarded as the third level. EXP can be categorized to
several types. For example, a vehicle crosses a single camera but stops for a long
time which contradicts with the assumption of floating car. And the trac is so
sparse that little information can be extracted from a camera's neighbors.
Both TLPs and CLPs would be further corrected by RFID data fusion al-
gorithm during the process of CLPs Accuracy Promotion.
Fig. 3. Overview of the framework of
Fig. 4. All possible cases of the execution
of HelpMe
A more particular description of the process of HelpMe will be discussed in
the following steps listed below.
Extraction. The process of TLPs Extraction aims to identify license
plates that are correctly recognized with high probability. ALPR results are fil-
tered through certain rules to clean the dirty data, such as overexposing pictures
and files corrupted, etc. Distinguishing TLPs from big trac data poses a chal-
lenge to real time decision support. Therefore, we reduce the problem complexity
by setting the limit on k of k -degree neighbors, the number ʸ of continuous oc-
currence when k is fixed ( ʸ
2 k +1) and the travel interval ʔt among CA .
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