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<bpmn2:task id="_4" drools:taskName="compiler"
name="Compile Project into Maven">
<bpmn2:task id="_5" drools:taskName="deployer"
name="Deploy Compiled Project">
<bpmn2:endEvent id="_6" name="">
<bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="_1_2" sourceRef="_1"
<bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="_2_3" sourceRef="_2"
<bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="_3_4" sourceRef="_3"
<bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="_4_5" sourceRef="_4"
<bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="_5_6" sourceRef="_5"
After cleaning up the XML code a little bit to remove autogenerated IDs (from something
such as _F3AE87C3-F49B-4F0D-A2AA-E2F015188093 to _1 ) and removing the
graphical layout and extra information, we get a clean description of the activities con-
tained inside our process.
We can clearly see that the XML file structure begins with a <bpmn2:definitions>
tag. This tag is in charge of containing our process definitions. This tag includes numerous
references to OMG BPMN 2 schemas and namespaces that I have omitted. These schemas
will be used to validate that our BPMN2 file is compliant with the BPMN2 specification,
along with all the extensions (provided by a specific jBPM6 namespace) to provide
vendor specific components to the XML file. I've cleaned up some global definitions and
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